17 Funny Memes on Marketing
Welcome to the lens of memes, marketing memes to be precise
To make your own check out "meme generator". The meme sensation has swept the nation, up here in Canada people have finally caught on to the hilarity that ensues once you understand what you can do with memes. Some of the funniest pictures on the internet are now memes. I sure hope you enjoy.
Meme's have swept our media driven society by storm. Just a few years ago, laying text over images in any quick fashion was dam near impossible! Today you can find apps that will do it for you and specific meme's on Reddit dedicated specifically to meme's. Isn't it a funny world.
If you think about it on a sociological level, memes are the way our current younger generation communicates. In symbols and in relevant situations others can relate to. If you think about the velcro theory of memory, we all like to learn by comparing to similar experiences in our past or other examples that help us understand a new concept. So to understand the world better we now use memes. A rather funny way to communicate, it take wit, humour, courage, and a higher intelligence to create some of the genius you find on the internet today.
Enjoy my take on some marketing themes in our north american culture.