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SEO and Reputation Management

Updated on May 17, 2014

Protecting your site's online reputation

Experiencing Negative Search Results?

Google, Yahoo and Bing offer no instant fixes to address any or all negative posts and comments, nor can they be deleted at will or by request. Reputation management is a labor-intensive and required process, which can take several months before any progress is seen. When dealing with a reputation management issue, it’s important to have extensive knowledge and expertise on how to avoid the risk of causing further damage by accessing the offending site multiple times or posting responses.

An unfortunate truth behind search engine results is that they love controversial comments, continuous posts and active audiences. A bad review posted on a site with a huge daily audience that continuously comments on that page is just as damaging as any review on Yelp, Angie’s list or other merchant review sites.

In order to remove negative results you will need:

  • The creation of a blog and daily topic relevant entries.
  • Positive and credible reviews about the company, product, brand or service.
  • Directory listings using optimized and negative keywords.
  • Strategic online publicity using press releases, social media and featured guest blogging.

Every reputation management plan should be tailor-fitted to your business and the problem at hand. What may work for one company’s negative post or reputation issue may not in your case, so we provide a detailed and comprehensive plan for reputation recovery and undoing damages caused by implementing a systemic approach to effectively push down negative search results. Our firm belief is that the resolution to some reputation management issues can be found through discourse and negotiation, perhaps escalation occurred due to one conversation and is resolvable or just requires an apology and refund. But when there is no option to address the comment without further aggravating the matter, we apply every weapon in our arsenal to bury the page from appearing during search results.

Why is Reputation Management Important?

There is nothing worse than unscrupulous competitors, angry employees or spurned lovers who can easily post scam allegations, negative feedbacks and bad reviews about you online. Meanwhile more and more consumers use due diligence in hiring companies by investigating search engine results and reviews before investing in a product or service.

Every consumer values products with positive reviews and posted comments but is much more skeptical and tends to notice negative comments, even without firsthand experience.

If your online reputation is damaged by a single or multiple negative posts, bad reviews, feedbacks, false allegations and testimonials, you ‘re going to need reliable reputation management service, fast!

Reputation management can alter search results from showing the damaging posts using several strategies, which means you can avert or limit the damage through effective reputation management. For this process to be successful and establish your “clean reputation”, we will:

  • Build a positive reputation for a company, product, brand or services. This is especially important to startups that want to establish their name and a broader audience, safely.
  • Reputation maintenance that works to keep the company's positive image always present to the public eye, which is suitable for companies who have already established their presence and good reputation but need to maintain it.
  • Recovery is ideal for companies who have a negative reputations or comments. Work here is focused on hiding all the bad feedback using experienced website promotion and marketing tactics.

It can take years to build an online reputation and a single negative post to ruin all your hard work. Search engines to better provide consumers information about a product, brand or service use product review sites; the problem is these sites are infrequently and irresponsibly monitored and quickly become grossly abused platforms that constantly spew negativity. Nowadays a single negative review or false scam allegation can cost you thousands and become the number one search result related to your site.

Reputation Management is an important facet of your company’s online advertising and should never be taken lightly. The Affordable SEO offers professional reputation management to rebuild your reputation and restore the online image your potential clients get. Our specialists will apply every tool in the box or trick in the book to push down negative search results and make them as invisible as possible.


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