How to Stay Focused Like a Monk?
It is said to achieve success in your life you need to focus and concentration on your task. If you check the life stories of different successful individuals you will find they achieved their goals because they were focused and dedicated towards their plan.
If you also want to learn how to stay focused like a monk then read this article. In this, I am sharing a few simple straight forward tips to reach that stage. And I am sure even the first point might surprise you. So, let’s begin one by one.
Take Proper Sleep The Previous Night
If you want to stay focused the next day then the actual story begins the previous night. Yes, you need to get enough sleep at night. In this part, many things are involved. For example, you need to sleep early, you have to get up on time and you shouldn’t feel sleepy during work.
There is a direct connection between proper sleep and concentration. If you lack sleep you will never able to focus on your daily task. Therefore, take proper rest the previous night and see the magic the next day. Try to keep your mood happy and you can do much work then you have expected from yourself.
Log Out From Social Media Apps And Turn Off Your Mobile
Do you like to scroll your Facebook feed often? Do you watch random videos on YouTube for long hours? Do you check different WhatsApp update often? Well, then you lack focus and you are setting the wrong examples.
Successful people don’t check their Facebook feed or any other social media feed often. They normally keep a particular time to check their updates. Unless you are into digital marketing and until you are a social media expert there is hardly any reason to remain active all the time.
One good suggestion will be to log out from social media apps. I don’t keep any social media apps on my mobile unless I have to travel. I just use a laptop to log in to those accounts. And during the urgent task, I keep my mobile in the silent or aeroplane mode. Social media may connect you with your virtual friends but it distracts you from your work.
In this month alone, I am about to write up to twenty-two articles and today it’s 9th Aug’ 2020. Which means I wrote twenty-two articles in just nine days. And this is possible because I didn’t check any social media accounts. This is one example of focus towards the goal.
Keep 90 Minutes Schedule For Each Session
Many research says we can concentrate for forty-five minutes at a stretch. But still, if your work needs more time then go for ninety minutes. It has been found out that if we continuously work for a long hour without a proper break our productivity goes down.
Usually, there is a direct relationship between work and rest in between. So, don’t forget to take breaks during work. During breaks, it will better if you can talk with colleagues, take complete relax, stretch your arms and legs or drink water, coffee or tea.
If you want you can call your loved ones and talk for two minutes. I am sure you will get energy for some time. Taking ten to fifteen breaks in between will benefit you.
Set Clear Measurable Goals
Just before you start your day especially your work you should set aside ten minutes and set measurable goals for the day. It would be even better if you can write and set your goals the previous night. Before you sleep just check your goal, think about them and go for sleep.
Setting clear goals will not only benefit you mentally but also remove any unnecessary task which can break your flow. Write down your goals then set time-line against each task, just focus and complete your work. If you want you can make someone your accountability partner.
We need to have a clear focus and without that, it’s really difficult to achieve our goals. Anyone with the right attitude can learn how to focus and concentrate on life and job. We just need to have a clear task and then we need to master our work and then we are good to go.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Vikram Brahma