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How to Work Smarter and Not Harder?

Updated on August 28, 2020
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Vikram Brahma is a Digitalpreneur, Author, Blogger, Writer, & YouTuber. He loves to write content & spend time working from home.


Whenever I get a chance I love to write about how entrepreneurs can improve their outcome. I love my life as a digital entrepreneur. I like to take a few calculated risks to grow my overall life through my work.

My work, my life is my passion. And I will be more than happy if I will achieve great success in my chosen path. As an entrepreneur, our success depends upon many things. But I have figured out that if you truly concentrate only on your work more than anything, your chances of becoming success goes high.

In this article, I am sharing some very basic principles which a digital entrepreneur can use to increase his productivity. These steps I believe will help you to work smarter rather than harder. But I am sure some of you, may not agree with a few points but this is how I spend my day.

Focus on one thing
Focus on one thing

Focus On One Thing

When I was in a job I use to do multi-tasking as during that time I was too young. When you join a company you have to do multi-tasking whether you like it or not. Many times you get frustrated. But now I feel it is better to have a single focus during one particular time. After all, I am an entrepreneur and I have that kind of freedom which many people lack today.

Most of my work revolves around my laptop, writing, video editing, reading and learning new concepts. But to use my time in the most effective manner I believe in working on the limited tasks to get better results. After all, if we narrow down our focus then we will like laser-targeted missiles. So, just focus on one thing at a time.

Take Regular Breaks

I don’t believe in working continuously for long hours, although yes I can if there is an emergency. To be more effective and energetic all the time, I take regular breaks. But during those breaks, I drink water and try to keep my mind free from any other task.

I even don’t check any updates on mobiles. I just roam within my boundary and do some stretching exercise. I just hope that I will able to complete my task as per previous day planning. If you take ten to fifteen minutes break then you will more energy when you will get back to work.

Take power nap
Take power nap

Take Power Nap

Whether you believe or not but I like to take a power nap after I complete my lunch. I follow this routine as a religion. I usually take my lunch around noon and after that, I go for sleep for thirty to forty minutes. After all, I choose to become a digital entrepreneur to have more freedom regarding what I can do in my life.

I take power nap just to relax, rejuvenate my feeling and mind. Usually, during this time I even switch off my mobile and automatically after forty minutes later I get up and continue working. After this, I feel more energetic and I am ready to work for long hours till five o’clock.

Enjoy The Process Of Work

If you want to work smarter then you must enjoy your process of work. This is the only way through which you can perform much better. To enjoy your work, you must respect, care and love what you are doing daily. If you are not enjoying your routine tasks then there is something wrong.

I believe as an entrepreneur you have many things to learn. So, get your hands dirty, learn and enjoy the hard work, dedication and be proud of what you are doing. Collaborate with someone and learn from some mentors.

Set Clear Goals For The Day

The last advice which I like to share is you need to have clear goals for every day. Whatever advice I have shared previously will not work very effectively unless you set your daily goals. It will be better if you can write down your daily goals one day prior. This is not only good practice but by doing this you will be mentally ready for the future task.

For example, if I have to write more articles, then I write down topics and sub-points by midnight. In this way, I know exactly about which topic I have to write the next day. And I try to start my day, as soon as possible. To complete my task sometimes I don’t take even breakfast till eleven o’clock. Remember if you don’t have clear goals then you might be wasting some of your valuable time.


Whatever points I have shared in this article are for those entrepreneurs who have just started their career. Becoming an entrepreneur is not an easy task. It takes lots of work and dedication to succeed in this domain. Once you grow and make lots of money then you can build your team and delegate some of your less important tasks to them.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Vikram Brahma


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