30 in 30 Challenge - Day 16 - Last Day on Earth
Some of the people I would spend my last day on earth with
My Last Day On Earth
Today’s subject for the 30 in 30 challenge is “If the world were to end tomorrow, how would you spend your remaining time on earth?” Considering the events of December 14, 2012, this is timely. For 26 people, their world did end. For 26 families, their world will never be the same.
How would I spend my remaining time? I would gather as much as my family as possible – my husband, my children, my grandchildren – my dad, sisters, brothers, in-laws, nieces, and nephews, cousins –and have the biggest party ever. Cost would be no object, because after tomorrow who needs money? We would sing and dance and eat and just generally have a great time.
I would sit with my grandchildren and read them stories and wrestle with them and listen to their silly stories. I would play chase and sing silly songs and let them have any treat they wanted! We would watch too much television and none of it would be educational!
I would sit with my children and tell them all how proud I am of them. Each one of them is doing something they love. All but one of them have children of their own. All who are parents are great parents – wanting only the best for their children. The one who is not a parent is a wonderful uncle. He takes pride in playing with his niece and nephews. I would let them all know that they are wonderful people! They are following their dreams and making them come true.
I would sit with my sisters and brothers and dad and let them know that I am so very happy to be a part of their family. They each helped me to grow into the person I am now. With their love and support, I knew I could make it through anything – and I did. I would reminece with them, remembering the good times, the silly times, the goofy time, the scary and the sad time. I would remind them once again that I love them so very much and that nothing they could do would ever change that.
I would hug each of my nieces and nephews and let them know how proud I am of them. They are all great young ladies and gentlemen and practice being just good, honest people. They are so different, yet so similar, and any one of them would give their lives for one of their cousins. They have always supported each other in everything they have done. It’s just a part of small town living, but it’s also a part of who they truly are. Beautiful people, inside and out.
Sometime during the day, I would take a break from my family. I would go to my second family – my school. I would hug every teacher, principal and staff member and tell them that I love them – that they are my family as much as my own children, brothers and sisters. Then I would visit with each of my students, those in my class this year, and those I have had in previous years. I would tell them how proud I am of them, of their successes. Successes that were more difficult for them to achieve because of their learning disabilities and their emotional problems. I would hug them and remind them of how special they each are.
Then I would return to my family. I would find the loving arms of my husband. I would tease him and love him and ask him to sing for me. He would sing three special songs for me: one I won’t say here, Mountain Music from the Oak Ridge Boys and Eric Clapton’s Wonderful Tonight. I would watch him with loving eyes and adore him from afar as I did on our first date. When he was done, I would go to him and tell him how much I love him. I would tell him how much better he made my life. How he improved my life because he wasn’t afraid to show me how much he loved me and cared for me.
Then I would sleep in his arms and wait for our next adventure together.