Can You Quit Your Job and Work Online To Earn a Living?
This is a question that is often asked at Hubpages.
I'd say absolutely not. At least, not overnight. It takes time to build up from nothing to a full-time income working online. If you are asking the question, you've not done much online working before, so you'll need to get quickly up to speed, which can be done.
It is possible to earn a full-time living on Hubpages, but in order to do that you have a lot to learn. Learning it will take time, practise and some hit/miss and trial/error.
Learning to Earn Costs You Nothing, It's Free
Learning to earn good money with Hubpages is free though, because the superb community and forum are very quick to help you out, give you help/tips and check out what you've written to help you improve it (which means it might earn you more money).
If you want a quicker/easier way to make money from online writing, then you might like to additionally use BubbleWS alongside Hubpages - it's easier to write on and what you write can be much shorter.
How Much Can You Earn?
How much you earn depends on: the subject, your keywords, your traffic to your hubs, whether they're laid out in the best way to get a good CTR, having a good rate per click.
In the long-term though, if you take a notebook everywhere with you and scribble down ideas for hubs when you think of them, then come home and tweak your existing hubs, research your new ones and write one new one per day, then in 2-3 years' time you could have built up enough money to be able to give up your day job and lead a comfortable life (depending where you live too, of course).
Hubpages is a long-term game. It's real, it's possible, it's achievable.
It's a bit like completing a marathon race, if you run it tomorrow you might not make it to the end and you might give up. Take it slowly, "train" and improve - and by this time next year you'll really be able to see proper/good money coming in regularly.
Learn from your mistakes and your successes. Learning is a never ending job, it's satisfying and rewarding.
Don't let these words put you off - go for it! It's just not a get rich quick scheme.
How Long Will It Take To Earn A Living From Hubpages?
How long it takes depends on how much you write and how targetted your articles are at subjects that are popular.
However, it is possible to see some action pretty quickly, then build on your success (by writing more similar articles).
If you can simply write one good article per day, then in a year you'd have 365 articles out there working for you. Quality, not quantity, is key though. For every article you write you can tell from your Adsense account how much you are earning and you can tell from the Hubpages account how much traffic you're getting, and where from - at an individual as well as overall viewpoint.
For me, Hubpages has definitely been the most worthwhile site I've joined up with. I nearly missed out because at first I just joined and wrote a few articles and left it. I wish I'd just stuck with it from the start as by now I'd have a full-time living from it I am sure.
The key to quit your job and earning a living online is certainly ternacity and volume: whatever you pick to do, stick with it and keep doing it!
With just 100 articles you WILL see a difference in your income - and once you have those 100 articles, you can improve how much they are earning you simply by getting feedback in the community forum.
My Advice Is:
- Join Hubpages and BubbleWS
- Write a short article on BubbleWS to get your ideas together, then come back to Hubpages and expand that into a full-blown article
- Get feedback and help from the community on it
- Write the next 4 based on the new things you've just learnt
- Get more feedback.
- Write another 20 articles
- You now have 25 articles out there that could be earning you money every day... so now just keep going.
- Keep writing, keep improving, keep picking up tips from the community and going back and re-working your existing articles where you think they could earn you more.
- Pretty soon you'll be on auto-pilot and will know before you start writing just how you're going to write it to make the most money.
One year from now you'll look back at this moment and think "I'm glad I did that!"
Between the two sites you'll have a "home" for your short articles and longer ones.
Write for BubbleWS - the New Kid on the Block
One new entrant to the writing game, since early 2012, has been BubbleWS. This is a much easier site for beginners to get started and earning money fast, or for seasoned pros to enjoy making some extra money within a more social website setting.
Results and income are much faster than Hubpages - and it's easier as there are less rules, structures and things to think about; you simply join and start typing.
FInd out more about: BubbleWS, what you're paid for and how it is like Hubpages yet entirely different, or just Join BubbleWS.