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Collection of the Funniest Requests Made On HubPages

Updated on May 11, 2016
Anna Marie Bowman profile image

Anna is a writer who wears many other hats and has a wealth of experience that she draws from, sometimes funny, sometimes serious.

I Had to Do It!

Well, this request was originally made by ProfoundPuns, and answered by the same. I decided to include a response of my own. I found a few that I thought were funny. Well, I thought so, anyway. Who knows...I hope you all think so, as well.

Can you taste a taste bud or does a taste bud taste what the taste bud taste?:

Is this kind of like "how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood"? It is definitely a tongue twister, pun definitely intended. But try saying all of that five times fast. It's difficult. I would think that the taste buds just taste whatever is actually on your tongue. I have no idea what a taste bud tastes like, so I have no comparison. Stick your tongue in someone else's mouth, if you are really that curious.

Emote fear in 25 or more sentences.:

I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared.

I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared.

I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared.

I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared.

I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared.

There you go. I emoted fear in exactly 25 sentences. I hope that helps.

Different methods for solving the Rubik's cube (Tips/Advice).:

I have a fool-proof method for solving the Rubik's Cube. It's quite easy, actually. First I take it, move the sections around a bit, until I get really frustrated. Then, and this is the key to the whole thing, I carefully peel all the stickers off, and put them in the right places. It is very simple, and has never failed me yet. Warning: this can only be done a couple of times. After that, the Rubik's Cube tends to not handle the process well. This is an indication that a new cube is needed.

The single most frustrating toy ever invented
The single most frustrating toy ever invented

10 Ways to Occupy Entertain Yourself in Prison.:

Ryan, thank you for this one!! I think I am going to answer this request. I am surprised that with all the humorous writing on HubPages, no one has answered this request! I really have nothing funny to say about it right now, I just thought the request could elicit some amusing responses. Oh the possibilities!!! So many thoughts running through my head. Maybe Martha Stewart could give me some pointers.

Internet Alter Egos, Healthy or Just a Way to Hide?:

What??!!! People aren't who they say they are?? I can't believe it! I am just shocked! Who says they are hiding? Maybe they are all a part of the witness protection program. Maybe they have good reason to hide. I think avoiding having a stalker show up at your house, or that Mob boss finding out where you are is very healthy. It is far less healthy if you are dead. I, on the other hand, am exactly who I say I far as you know.

You can be anyone online
You can be anyone online

Who Are the Red Sox and Who Should We Care About Them?:

Typing error aside (I assume the requester meant Why instead of Who), that is a great question. No one should care about the Red Sox. They don't care about you. Trust me, I know. I asked them. Just watch the movie "Fever Pitch". They flat out tell you that the Red Sox don't love you back, so why should you bother? I prefer to care about the White Sox. I know they care about me.

Fever Pitch Trailer

How Should One Deal With Trolls?:

My best advice on this one is to build a bridge. If you build a bridge, the troll will eventually move under the bridge and live there, and will cease to bother you. Just make sure you put the bridge in an area where you will not need to cross it. This may lead to difficult dealings with the troll. Trolls tend to be cranky, so avoid noisy activity early in the morning. They need their sleep. If you do ever find the need to cross the bridge where your troll resides, make sure to be prepared for senseless riddles. Buy a book of riddles to prepare yourself.

© 2009 Anna Marie Bowman


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