First Payout from Hubpages $111.40 : How I've Earned My First Payout
After more than four month’s hubbing I have succeeded to get my first payout of $111.40. I am so much excited! It is true now and though I learned long ago that I shall be paid closely the actual payment on PayPal is a thrilling thing! I shall be much happier when PayPal will transfer it to my Bank Account. According to the rules of our country I shall not use this money online straight through PayPal. Though $111.40 is not a lot of money but I think it is great as a first time payment, what do you think folks?
Let us discuss how I earned it.
My Balance History
I am writing with HubPages from 16th of January. At that time I was a novice and knew nothing about writing appropriate hubs to bring traffic.
At the end of January my balance was only $1.32. Most of it came from HP Ad program ($1.26). Rest, $0.06 came from eBay.
February saw few more hubs from me and the money grew a little bit. It was $5.70 from HP and $0.11 from eBay.
March is notable for significant earning boost: HP $32.97 and eBay $2.52
April is better: HP Ads $61.74 and eBay $7.04.
I am so scared! I am not sure that it is allowed to publicize my balance history or not! If it is kind of breaking of rules then please drop a comment and I shall edit this Hub.
My Highest Paying Days
According to my reports my highest paying day in HP was 24rd May, 2012. I got a total of $8.11 on that day. They 2nd highest paying day was 23rd May, 2012. It was $7.64.
My! I am losing money! After that my income has dropped to $5.50 to $6 a day!
My lowest income on a day here is $0.04 and I have succeeded to get to this distinguished mark in more than single times.
What about Google Adsense?
I am a total flop here. The amount earned here is so little that it is unwise to tale here. At first, I thought it may be my fault. But after searching in HubPages I have come to know that after enabling HP Ad Program Adsense dries up. It is a common experience.
What is your experience?
eBay Revenue:
My experience with eBay affiliate sales program is mixed. I got a regular CPC income from them. A total sale of 40 is in my credit. But, as far as my knowledge I shall get no commission.
I have no account with Amazon affiliate sales and do not know they accept non-US either. Anybody who knows please inform me about Amazon: is it better than eBay?
My Future Targets:
Future is what which cannot be foretold easily. But though everybody has some future plans. I do have a future plan about my HubPages income.
I want to earn $200+/ month on HubPages within September. I am now close to $150/month. I know it is a tough job to do. I shall have to write more hubs and make them popular.
I have less than 50 hubs till now and shall have to increase it manifolds to earn a decent amount of money.
I want to add another 100 hubs this year.
Future of HubPages:
I like and love HP very much but am a bit worried about its health. I know it is a bit sick now. The big G with all those Pandas and Penguins has ravaged the beautiful garden of this site. I have known from the musings of the older hubbers about those golden pre-panda days! I might have been earned more!
I think the sub-domain system is very good to prevent Panda damage. But, this system shall definitely bring total traffic down. It is because; individual sub-domains will have much lesser authority than the main HP site. Our hubs will be considered separate web sites not as a part of HP. So, getting top position on SERPs will be tougher.
Despite of that I hope that HubPages will remain there and will be stronger in the future.
If you notice the Alexa report graph you shall see that after much up down and big sliding the traffic to HP is now a bit steady.
HubPages vs Squidoo
Which among these you like most?
What about Other Platforms?
I started as a blogger on BlogSpot. Now, I am a hubber. Where shall I go to diversify?
I have a Squidoo account but not very comfortable there.
What about buying a domain to open my own website? What do you think about it?
I am a bit backed to do it by thinking that it will be much tougher than HP to bring any significant traffic to my own brand new site. I think I also should have to learn the basics of web languages like Ajax, Java or CSS to create a good website.
Please give me your advice.
Join HubPages
If you are a guest not a member of this website then I shall advice you to join HubPages.
From my experience I am assuring you that you can make money here.