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Updated on August 13, 2012

This is much more than a writer’s community.

For newcomers as well as those of us who have been here awhile the experience at Hub Pages is valuable time well spent. This is much more than a writer’s community. We find friends here. We find advice here. We find information that may not be displayed by any other media. The pages and the contents are coming from all around the world. It is filled with fresh and old topics of every source imaginable. It’s up to us to spread the word. With getting a better Hub Page experience we are also giving our fellow hubbers as well as our potential audience knowledge to enhance their everyday lives.

Hub Hopping

There has been much discussion about the new Hub Hopping format. We use to be able to hop hubs, read what we wanted and hop over the ones we were less than interested in. We could leave encouraging comments to the hub author or simply vote them up or down or flag it. I must admit I have never flagged a single one of them or voted them down. If it’s not appealing to me I simply leave the page. This goes for any entrance point I chose to enter a hub at. I was becoming a bit addicted to hub hopping and after viewing the hubs of those I follow regularly I often would hop hubs.

The new Hub Hopping feature gives you a scale to rate each hub as to how the content is presented. I understand it to be an effort to deliver the best scores to the best hubs as fairly as possible. This could very well be a favorable idea for many hub writers. It will rate the content for good information as well as how good grammar or spelling will increase the score for the writer who applies a serious effort as they edit their work. I know I’m one of these writers who still need to improve on the grammar and I don’t always notice a misused word as I edit. Revisions are done only as my eyes lead me to see the mistake. I do however welcome anyone’s comment if I should miss an error. This new hub view approach will be much like grading papers for learning students, only our teacher doing the grading will most likely be as uninformed to what is what as we are. Most of us would not be here writing if it wasn’t for the experience and the practice we need. With that being said I know there are many professional writers and teachers here that can be of great help to ensure we are using our ability to the best we can as a writer. With giving this new hub hopping feature a try I really don’t have the time to read on topics I have no interest in and I don’t feel I can fairly rate such a hub. The page feature will not allow you to hop to the next hub without rating it. You can no longer leave the writer a comment on the page unless you find it in another entry way. By this I mean you have to go looking for the article outside the hub hopping format. I’m not sure why this bothers me, but it does. I’ve stopped hub hopping until I figure out why I should take part in it again.

We all have our own reasons for being on Hub Pages.

Getting a better experience as we enjoy this Hub Pages community is the ultimate goal for many us. We don’t all value our time and what we want to absorb into our minds as others do. We are all unique individuals who spend time here for our own reasons. My time here is mainly to practice my writing skills and at the same time learn from others. I still work full time away from my computer. Every minute I waste on non-sense is a minute I lost. It’s important to me to enjoy my hub writing while learning from other writers. I value every view I receive to one of my hubs and I am most appreciative of any comments I should get. I have read many great hub articles here. This is truly a great source of information. I wish I had more time to spend here, but until I am turning my words into an income like successful hub members do or write a bestselling novel I can’t quit my day job.

Don't forget to explore what Hub Pages has to offer.

One great way to get a better Hub Pages experience is to make sure you use the explore button at the top of your page on the right hand side. Click on explore and a drop down menu will give you a choice to either click on topics, hubs, answers or forums. While I tend to stay away from forums for my own reasons, I’m sure these at Hub Pages are friendly compared to other forums I have visited. I enjoy visiting the answer pages for not only informing people of what I know or think, but there is a wealth of information here. Great ideas for new hubs can come to you by spending time on the answer pages. By clicking on hubs this will take you to a list of numerous hubs of all topics mixed in at one location which is sorted from the latest to best. Tabs at the top of this list will sort out a list to your pleasing. Perhaps a hot hub may not be as interesting to you as seeing what was last posted. Click on topics from the menu to ensure your hubs of interest. You’ll be amazed by how many topics this community has to offer. You’ll be getting a better Hub Pages experience if you explore what is available here.

Don't let mistakes discourage you from writing hubs. Learn from them.

I have only skimmed the surface of what the Hub Pages experience can do for you. There is much to learn here. The learning tutorials are a must to succeed as a hub writer. There is more to remember from these rules than you can soak in without taking good notes or getting hands on exposure. Both will put you on the right track to getting a better Hub Pages experience. Hub Pages will alert you if you don’t follow their terms and agreements. They give you plenty of time to fix the problems you may have with your hubs. Don’t be alarmed if they take down the page until the hub suits them. You have the right to take down any of your hubs you see fit or delete them altogether if you wish. Please don’t let simple mistakes or unawareness discourage you as you post articles for everyone to see. We all goof from time to time. We learn by doing. Mistakes just happen to be part of the learning process. I for one know I have plenty to learn. Please excuse my mistakes as I try to get the most out of my Hub Pages experience. Best regards are always my intentions to my fellow hubbers. Let’s get hubbing. (You will notice hubbers and hubbing is not in any dictionary. Imagine that.)

Another Thought

I hope I didn't give anyone the idea it's not important to publish error free hubs. It is very important to give the public the best article possible. There really is no excuse for not doing revisions or neglecting to fix grammar and spelling mistakes. Most of us have a good eye to self edit and a few tools built into our systems to be of use. Don't depend on the grammar or the spell check in your software to catch all your mistakes. It won't. You will. Your readers will. Put your best foot forward and be proud of what you publish. Go back and fix any problem you or others notice after your hub has been published. This is one of the best features about Hub Pages, you can fix the errors and they instantly are repaired as you revised them. There are some sites where you can't fix anything. The errors remain and for those sites you can repair documents on, many will take days or even weeks to see the correction as you bring up your work online.


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