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How To Get Google Adsense Account Approved?

Updated on January 27, 2014

Lately, I seen quite a few questions on how to get Google Adsense approved the fast way. Before I start, let me say that there is no fast way to get approved by Google. Google monitor and check on the sites with a few criteria and if you pass it, you will get the approval fast. These tips I am giving is just a guideline and does not give you 100% satisfactory results to all. Nonetheless, I truly hope this hub on Google Adsense approval will serve you well.

How to get Google Adsense account approved?
How to get Google Adsense account approved?

Business or leisure?

As funny as it seems, business websites will actually get approved faster than leisure sites. Previously, I was as puzzled as you guys are on why business sites will be reveiwed and approved faster but after thinking, it makes sense. As you all know, Google Adsense is just like any other company; goal of making money with the business they run. To make it simple, business sites are usually focused highly on business and thus, visitors coming over to the site has a high possibility of actually clicking the ads. Not to forget, some business keywords has actually higher pay per click ratio compared to others. Being said this, simply by approving these sites, Google will be able to make money and at the same time, produce higher and better click rates. This point, it is a win-win situation for both Google and it's affilations.


Yes, content pay a vital role. Regardless it is traffic or any other matter, content is vital and Google will usually approve high quality sites even with a lower traffic ration. The reason high quality sites are approved faster and easier even thought they are new is simply because these sites stand a better chance of drawing more traffic in the future. A quick look through will be able to determine if the site is prepared and written seriously or it is just 'another blogging site' that has a high chance of closing down soon. If you want to get approved by Google Adsense or at least stand a chance, fill up your site with high quality content immediately!

Google Adsense is the leading advertisement company in the world beating every competitor it met along the way.
Google Adsense is the leading advertisement company in the world beating every competitor it met along the way.

Blogging platform, update interval etc

Majority of blogger I know said that they got their Adsense account approved when they are using Blogger (a.k.a. Blogspot). For me, I got approved with 3 to 5 weeks blogging at Weebly. Of course, that time I was running a business site and even with traffic of 5 a day, I got my site and my account approved without much hassle.

Another thing I want to emphasize is always keep your site updated if you want to get approved by Google Adsense. Most of the time, bloggers will assume having a blog or website will basically entitle them for an approval. Not for this case! Update as if you are serious and I personalyl recommend update at least once a day for the next 2 to 3 months. Of course, make sure each article or post is within 400 or more words for a better chance.


Being said all that, I am pretty sure you will get approved much faster but again, it might not work for everyone. Depending on your site and nature of blogging, I would recommend modify a little bit to ensure the outlook actually fits your site. You can do this especially after setting up your site or blog, check it back like a visitor and see if it has a business look. If yes, then you are definitely ready for applying. A little note before I end is new sites will take slightly longer time to get approved compared to existing ones.

Good luck applying for Googel Adsense!


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