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How to Write Good Articles and Make Some Money On Hub Pages

Updated on July 19, 2013
Do not try and cheat Google or you may end up ....
Do not try and cheat Google or you may end up .... | Source

I am no Internet expert. I have been writing for a while though. I started writing for HubPages and started making my payment threshold quickly. Here are just a few tips to get you started in making money with HubPages.

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ALL of my articles are MINE and you may NOT use them for anything but reading on my page.

There are more ways to get your Hubs off to a good start. Poke around the community and study some of the higher-rated Hubbers. They are doing it right and we can all learn from them!

Know your Subject, or Fake It Well!

If you are talking out of your bum and people realize it, they will stop looking through your work.

The same can be said if you ramble on and never get to the point, people will not want to click on your articles. You may see a small amount of income with poor-quality Hubs, but that will fade away as Google punishes you by hiding your Hubs in far, far away pages.

Do Not Try to Cheat the Ad Program.

First off, it is wrong. In a sense, cheating Adsense is stealing from Google's pocketbook. If you are adding search terms and keywords that have nothing to do with your articles, this is cheating and eventually, you will be found out. People that cheat the system, ruin it for the rest of us.

Write Engaging, Popular Hubs.

Popular hubs can include facts on celebrities, gardening articles, common baby names and even original dinner and dessert recipes.

Pay Attention to your Comments.

If someone leaves you a comment, respond to it promptly. As you talk to Hub fans over the Internet, it keeps your Hubs fresh in the system. Keeping in touch with your fans makes them feel appreciated and heard. They will then share your work with friends and family.

People take good time out of their lives to leave a comment, show them respect and write a note back.

Avoid Slanderous Material.

Not only is this offensive and unprofessional, it can lead to a real lawsuit. You would hate to make a bit of money through an ad program, only to have it snatched away, and then some.

Use the Ebay and Amazon Ad Programs.

Use, do not abuse them. No one likes to click on an article and get bombarded with products for sale. People quickly close the window and go elsewhere. HubPages gives a little warning if your articles are too short or have too many Ebay or Amazon Ads. Pay attention and do not abuse them, that will hurt you quickly. I like to add mine to the bottom of the Hub.

Keeping my ads at the bottom keeps things tidy and lets my readers enjoy my articles before seeing the ads.

Word Count, Counts!

When writing an article, always try to include at least three or four paragraphs. More, if possible. Be careful you do not ramble though! Get to the point, but do it softly, eloquently.

Grammar Does Matter.

You do not have to be grammatically perfect to write a good Hub. Do try and spell things correctly though. Do not allow your words to run together and please, please, use the "enter" key to create paragraphs.

For example ...

Write Engaging, Popular Hubs.Popular hubs can include facts on celebrities, gardening articles, common baby names and even original dinner and desert recipes. Pay Attention to your Comments. If someone leaves you a comment, respond to it promptly. As you talk to Hub fans over the Internet, it keeps your Hubs fresh in the system. Keeping in touch with your fans makes them feel appreciated and heard. They will then share your work with friends and family. People take good time out of their lives to leave a comment, show them respect and write a note back. Avoid Slanderous Material. Not only is this offensive and unprofessional, it can lead to a real lawsuit. You would hate to make a bit of money through an ad program, only to have it snatched away, and then some.

^ That is hard to read. Any time I see this sort of thing in an article, I leave as quickly as possible! If you are ever unsure about how to spell a word, or if you think you used it incorrectly, get a thesaurus or simply Google the word. That should get you on the right track.

Trust me, we all make those little errors in spelling and punctuation. I am no where near perfect, that is why God made editors! We writers write our books and then we pay the editor to tell us how stupid make it look right, LOL.

Promote, Promote, Promote!

Get your work out there. I use Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Google Website Submitter to promote my work. Word of mouth comes in handy, too. If you are serious about your Internet writing, get some nice business cards printed and leave them in popular stores. With permission, of course. You can also make bumper stickers and car decals to promote your HubPages.

One thing I did learn recently is that when my articles were Pinned at, my income dropped substantially. After I removed my stuff from there, my income went back up.


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