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How Many Articles/Posts to Write to Earn as Much in Hubpages

Updated on February 22, 2013
Hubpages Estimation and Analysis Tool
Hubpages Estimation and Analysis Tool

Creation of the Hubpages Tool

To mark my 40th hub here in Hubpages, I decided to make an interesting tool that will help us hubbers know our current progress and performance in the community, and be able to project future performance (i.e. impressions and earnings) from where we are.

Sounds fun, and useful at the same time right? Well, yes it is!

I've housed the file in my blog, here's the link where you may download this special tool I've crafted for us: Hubpages Estimation and Analysis Tool

Tool Preview

Preview of the Hubpages Estimation and Analysis Tool
Preview of the Hubpages Estimation and Analysis Tool

Options for the Values to be Inputted in the Average CPM

  1. You may go to the earnings tab of "my account" page, and click on the earnings report. Select Ad Program and All Time from the two drop down lists. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and pick up the CPM there. It's the total average.
  2. You may pick up your recent average CPM, which is the current month's CPM. This may possibly be more reflective of your future earnings.
  3. You may pick up your last month's average CPM. This may be more stable than the 2nd option.

How to Use the Tool

User Input

Everything here must be provided by you. And actually, it's really so easy to fill up.

  • No. of Current Hubs - all you need to do is to pick up the number of your published hub. And input the data here.
  • Average CPM - you may have a few options on how you could pick up some value for this. Check out the options on your right
  • Avg. Monthly Views - for this you may just choose the value from your recent statistics (collective views of all hubs for 30 days)
  • Target Monthly Earnings - this amount is arbitrary and depends upon your discretion (e.g. goal setting)

Sample Analysis of Input

This is just a sample result generated from a random set of input.
This is just a sample result generated from a random set of input.

Analysis of Input

For this part, you no longer need to input anything. The values that will be shown here are automatically computed based on the data you've typed in under "User Input". Take note that all these values generated are just pure estimates, and will not be 100% accurate.

  • Est. Average Monthly Impressions - this is just an estimate of the number of impressions you'll get based on the "60%" sharing policy of Hubpages.
  • Est. Average Monthly Earnings - this value represents the estimated earnings you will receive by the end of each month given your current status/performance.
  • Est. Average Monthly Earnings per Hub - this value gives you an insight of how much each of your hub earns in the average. This would often aid you in understanding the current performance and earning potential of your hubs.
  • Cash Out Intervals - this is an estimate of the number of months it will take before you can actually cash out (taking into consideration the $50.00 threshold).

Sample Estimation and Projections

This is a sample result based on a target monthly earnings of $10.00.
This is a sample result based on a target monthly earnings of $10.00.

Estimation and Projections

This is the portion where you can analyze your future actions to attain your financial goal in Hubpages.

  • Additional Hubs Needed - this will let you know how many additional hubs you need to write in order to achieve the goal you have set. Plus, this can be your motivation to further pour efforts in writing.
  • Monthly Views Needed to Achieve - this will tell you how many monthly views you need to get in order to achieve your targeted monthly earnings. Of course, with a higher target, you need to be getting higher views on your hubs. This may also be an indicator that, perhaps, you need to employ some backlinking strategies in order to increase your earnings.
  • Projected Cash Out Intervals - this indicates how many months it will take you before you can cash out, with the assumption that you are hitting your targeted monthly earnings.

Enjoy using the Tool!

Okay, that's it! You now know how to use this special tool! Be sure to grab a copy of this file, in order to help you in your goal setting! Now, don't be shy, it's FREE!

Oh, and another tip: You may update the figures (the inputs) once in a while to give you a clearer and possibly more accurate analysis and projections of your performance here in this awesome community!


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