How to raise your Hubber Score
How'd she do that....
So you want to know how to raise your hubber score? I'm glad to help.
What is it that makes me so qualified you ask? Well, I’ve been here for two weeks as of today and already my hubber score is at ninety-one. How did I get into the nineties so fast? By implementing all the little “tricks” I used to tell others about. That’s right- there are “tricks.”
If you’ve searched the site at all for how to raise your score, you have probably seen most, if not all, of the tips I am going to mention. Since no one quite knows the exact algorithm for determining hubber score, there is no magic answer that will work without a doubt for every hubber. But there are a few things you can do that are more than likely to raise your score.
I love the nineties...
As you have likely noticed, your score will raise over time, regardless (usually) of what you do. Its hard to say what score new hubbers start with. I, personally, started in the low twenties (and griped about it a little in the beginning) and in less than two weeks, had moved into the nineties. It wasn’t a fluke.
If you pay attention, you will discover that your hub score isn’t really that difficult to manipulate. Whether its high and you want to keep it there or even make it go a little higher, or its low and you want to get it back up, you can make it happen.
My goal when I started this account was to build myself up as quickly as possible. I wanted my score up because, well, I wanted to prove that I could get it there. I wanted to prove to myself and any other newbies out there that this stuff really does work. I’m not just blowing smoke here…
What's a hubber score anyway and why should I raise it?
Your Hubber Score is that little number in the right hand corner of your profile pic. It ranges anywhere from 0 to 100 and follows you around like a brand all over this site. It matters to no one really, other than yourself. That’s right, I said it, it holds little importance. Okay, okay, so there may be a benefit or two to having a higher score. But its more just a personal, dare I say pride, thing.
Honestly, I think it’s just human nature to want to be the best we can. If we know that number can be higher, we want to know how to make it rise and why it isn’t and when it will. So, while we all pretend not to care about our scores, we all really do.
Come On Get Higher...Please?
So how do I raise it already??
Alright, alright, I’m getting there. You wanna know how to make those numbers sky rocket, huh? Hmmm…I can’t do ‘skyrocket’ per se, but how about rise steadily a little quicker than normal? Will that do? Good, because that I can help you with..
Lets start out with the obvious. If you’re new, take a minute to get familiar with the site. Don’t start throwing hubs and comments out there wilily nilly, just take a little look around first. Find out what a hub looks like before you publish your own, see what types of comments, fan mail, forum posts others are posting. There are a few general rules that apply to everything around here that new hubbers are usually unaware of until they have committed their first faux pas. Checking out the standards can help to eliminate that.
After you have an idea of what everything looks like, it’s time to get involved. There are six areas one should utilize at HubPages to raise their score. They are; Publishing, reading, commenting, rating, forums and karma. Or PRCRFK …Percrufffk.
Start by publishing your first hub. Make it a QUALITY hub! The jury is still out on how long a great hub should be. Some say between 500-800 words, others say close to a thousand. I say enough to get your point across while not ending up overly wordy or incredibly short. Your trip to hubville earlier will have given you a good idea on what is generally accepted as good length and structure.
Set your hub up nicely with pictures (that you are legally allowed to use!) and videos or polls. Experiment with the capsules and utilize the ‘preview’ button before you publish. The aesthetics of your hub can entice or repel a potential reader.
The second most important rule of thumb here is this: no matter how many wanna be hubs you have already written and saved on your computer or have swimming around in your head, don’t publish more than one at a time! At least not yet. When you have your score where you want it, publish whatever you want but understand that if you publish more than one hub at the same time or closely in a row, your score may suffer by a point or two, as may your traffic from within HP. Let your first hub be up for a day or two before you repeat the steps for your second, same for your third and so on.
Reading (which goes along with commenting and rating)
No matter how long you have been a member of this site and no matter how high your score may be, it is important and beneficial to everyone for you to read other’s hubs and comment on and/or rate them. It benefits (obviously) the hubber you are visiting but also yourself and the hub community. HubPages gathers information from the ratings we provide and your score will reflect your activity around the site. By regularly reading (yes, you have to read a hub to give a decent/honest rating or comment and preferably more than just 'good hub') and commenting on hubs, you become a productive member of the HP family and will be rewarded through your score.
Oh the HubPages forums….full of interesting dialogue, friendly chatter and endless drama. The forums can be fun, frustrating and fulfilling all at once. Most importantly, they are a place to find answers for most every question you might have. Browse around the different discussions and find one you might want to join. Then, participate effectively. By that, I mean add to the discussion don’t add to the drama. The benefits of participating productively in the forums are twofold. There is the help for your score of course, but it can also bring traffic your way as other hubbers will see you and read your responses, drawing some to then check out your profile and, often, hubs. By participating in the community, through forums and commenting, you are also making yourself known, putting your face out there for others to come and get to know you.
Finally, there is HubKarma. This one is actually new to me as it wasn’t here when I was before. But I like it, so far. It’s simple to utilize and tells you right off the bat that it will raise your score. If you are wondering what it is, it’s a tool available on all of your hubs that allows you to link via your text to other hubber’s relevant hubs or sections of hub pages itself. The tab at the top of your hubs will suggest options for you, you just choose where you want the link to go.
I have no idea how others feel about this and haven’t noticed it being used on every hub. Of course, by linking to anywhere else on your hub - through the hub karma tool or any other way, you run the risk of readers leaving your hub for whatever you linked to. That’s not great for your traffic or money making. Unfortunately, I can’t really comment on how it does or doesn’t affect those other points because I haven’t yet used it long enough. I do know it helps the score. The rest I will have to get back to you about.
How do you feel about your Hubber Score?
The Algorithm...DUN DUN DUN
Of course, as I mentioned before, there is an algorithm that no one really knows that actually determines your score. We don’t know everything that affects it, nor should we. I mean do we really want to know that our Hubber Score is based on how many ticks a monkey can pick off his partner’s back before the rooster crows twice? No.
I mean, there is a certain reassurance in knowing that said algorithm is likely locked in a secret vault somewhere on the top of Mount Hublympis that no one other than HP royalty is allowed to see. So, try what I’ve offered and see if it helps. And I will soon be hubbing about what NOT to do for a higher score because where there are things to implement, there are always things to avoid. Happy Hubbing!!