Important Tip for New HubPages users!
I signed up for HubPages yesterday and I was in the process of publishing my first hubwhich is about online freelance writing opportunities for newbie freelancers like myself when I got the following message:
“Sorry, because of rule violations associated with your account or ip address, permission to publish new hubs has been revoked. You can still edit your existing hubs and save your changes to this hub by clicking the done editing button. Your right to publish may automatically be restored through time and adherence to the HubPages rules. Fixing or deleting existing flagged hubs may also help.”
I tried to think of reasons why my first hub can’t be published. I’ve been trying to sign up for Google Adsense at the same time so I thought this could have been the issue but since I didn’t actually sign up for it yet then this couldn’t have been the reason. I checked the forums and saw that this seems to be a pretty common error amongst new users.
So apparently here’s what I did wrong:
I clicked on several different topics to follow:
- Health and Travel Insurance
- Travel Tips and Preparation
- Latest Technology
- Health
- Travel & Places
- Technology
- Medicine and Health Science
- Travel Guides and Books
Unfortunately, I was in a hurry and didn’t really read the details, I just clicked on the topics I found interesting and which I can possibly publish hubs on in the future. I didn’t realize this is not allowed. It was already too late when I read this hub. If I read it earlier I could have saved myself a ton of trouble and my hub would have been live the first time I tried to publish it.
What did I do?
I sent an email to the HubPages team and asked them to kindly publish my hub. I explained my circumstances and waited for them to get back to me with a response; until now I still have not received a reply. Which is fine. Because earlier today I tried to publish my hub again this time using my friend's computer and I was able to publish my hub without any problems! Take note though that I made sure to unfollow the topics above before I clicked on 'publish now'.
So there you go. My problem was solved in a matter of seconds!
The lesson I learned?
Don’t just read whatever’s on your screen. Make sure you understand it well!
It’s kind of frustrating to learn this the hard way but I hope newbies like myself will take such basic instruction to heart and hopefully learn from my, and others, mistakes.