Join Me in Four Hub Challenges in 2013

My Goal: 200 Hubs in 2013
It has been said that the best way to achieve your goals is to write them down. I am a huge goal setter. Anyone that knows me knows that I always am dreaming up new ideas to achieve important things in my life. And anyone that knows me well knows that I write these goals down. By just keeping goals in your head, there is no written record of them anywhere. By writing goals down, there is a visual reminder of those goals to look at each day. This urges the goal setter to accomplish them and serves as a daily reminder of what those goals are. From my experience, the third step of actually achieving goals is to tell someone else about them. This holds the goal setter accountable for reaching their goals. The embarrassment of not reaching your goals and to have other people know that you didn't reach them is often enough to prod most people onto goal achieving glory.
To that end, I am setting my Hub Page goals now for the rest of the year. And I would love to have you join me. In my first year of Hub Pages, I wrote and published 150 hubs. My one year anniversary with Hub Pages was January 12th, 2013. The only way I was able to accomplish that was to set numerous hub challenges for myself. It was quite successful, and so not only am I going to do it again, but I am going to up the ante and do it one extra time. My goal this year is 200 hubs. To achieve that, I am planning on doing the four Hub Page Challenges throughout the year, plus three hubs each week that I am not doing a challenge. Two of them will be 10 Hubs in 10 Days Challenges, and two will be 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenges. When I first started with Hub Pages, I did a 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge, and it boosted my number of hubs very quickly. I saw a lot of traffic to my hubs in a short time, and from then on I was hooked on the challenges. Even if someone is not just starting out, publishing one hub every day for a specific amount of time gets a lot of activity going on a Hub Page account, plus gets more of your material out there for Google to find in a concentrated amount of time. And you don't actually have to publish one each long as you end up with 30 at the end of 30 days. Sometimes I have worked on three hubs over a period of 3 days and then published them all in the next two days. And some days I write two hubs during the same day and publish them both that day. You just need to keep track of how many you need to end up with and make sure you have that many new hubs published on the last day of each challenge.
Please feel free to join me, and we can add comments to this hub as we go through this "challenging" process. Yes, a pun was intended there!
1) 10 Hubs in 10 Days Challenge: February 10th through February 19th, 2013
Although it might make more sense to start all of these challenges on the first of a month, I want to give everyone enough time to plan ahead. One of the things I found helpful in the past with these challenges was to write a title for a new hub, and let it marinate for awhile without publishing it. It gave me time to work on the hub, all the while, moving up regarding score so that instead of publishing a hub at a score of 50, my hubs would sometimes start out being published at a score in the seventies which gave it much more credibility. If you start doing this now, then by the time February 10th comes along, your hub may start out being published at a very good score. Good hubs for this time of year are anything about Valentine's Day and Easter, Passover, and Spring.
2) 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge: June 1st through June 30th, 2013
The 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge is quite a bit harder than the 10 Hubs in 10 Days Challenge. It is harder to come up with 30 topics to write about. But having this much time you can jot things down over the next few months, and be ready to go when June 1st hits. One of the best things about doing the Hub Challenges is that your personal hubber score will usually go up since you are on Hub Pages so frequently. It also drives more traffic to your hubs. Don't forget to add links from the new hubs you write to the older ones so that everyone can see other hubs that are related to your newer writings. Great topics for hubs in June are anything about summer, beaches, things to do with kids, travel reviews and great vacation spots.
3) 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge: August 1st through August 30th, 2013
You may think that this challenge comes right on the heels of the other challenge, and I'm sorry in advance for that. Being a substitute teacher, I will have the summer off, so I need to take advantage of that time. If you don't want to join me in both, you can join me in one or the other. And besides, we do have the whole month of July off...sort of a "Summer vacation!" Great hub topics for this challenge are anything having to do with Fall, including back to school and Halloween.
4) 10 Hubs in 10 Days Challenge: October 1st through October 10th
Here's the last one. This would be a great time to publish Thanksgiving and Christmas hubs because it gives them time to marinate a bit on Google and will be easier to be found by searchers once we actually get to those holidays. Recipes for the holidays are always a big hit, as are suggestions for Christmas gifts or ways to celebrate the holidays.
I hope you will join me in at least some of these hub challenges. It will boost your number of hubs quickly and is quite an accomplishment once you are done. And if you only publish 28 hubs instead of will still have 25 hubs more than if you didn't do the challenge and were just plodding along in Hubville writing when you felt like it.
So come on fellow hubbers...who's with me in at least one of these challenges??? You don't have to make any commitments now. Just think about it, but leave a comment if you think you may want to join in. I will write a comment on here at the start of each challenge, so we all know the starting dates. Make your voice known to the rest of the world!