Make Money Blogging With HubPages
Getting Started With HubPages
Do you have a passion for writing? Perhaps you even run your own website or blog where you express your thoughts and ideas on a daily basis? Whether you do, or if you´re completely new to the concept of blogging, you will certainly enjoy HubPages.
HubPages is a free meeting place for aspiring writers wanting to express anything and everything. You can write about almost any topic or interest - as long as you can provide unique and quality content. Not only will you be published, but you will also have the opportunity to share advertising revenue with HubPages. But more on this later.
To get an idea of how it all works and learn more about HubPages in general, please click here, or take the HubPages universal tour.
Before Joining HubPages
Before joining HubPages you may want to consider different strategies on how you would like to use the site in the nearest future - and what you would like to write about.
For instance, If you are an expert in a certain niche like "dog training" for example, you may want to choose a username close to this topic when signing up.
Why? Well, this is because you will actually receive a personal subdomain on the HubPages main website domain. By choosing a username or keyword close to your expert niche, you can start building trust and authority around your niche blog posts, (or "hubs" as they are called at HubPages). When using this blogging strategy, you will notice that search engines like Google will find and rank your hubs both quicker and higher (when you have created a couple of them within your particular niche).
A different approach is the social networking strategy. Why not sign up with the purpose of promoting you as a skilled writer or freelancer? This will be especially useful if you want to show off your broad writing skills, or if you cover and master many different topics. In this case, your profile page at HubPages can act as an online business card when approaching new clients, and you can also fully interact with other members ("hubbers") at HubPages for networking purposes.
These are just some ideas on how you can position yourself (and your intentions) on HubPages before you even have written your first hub.
Stay Unique!
- Never copy the work of someone else
- Try a unique approach when writing about a common topic
- Don´t recycle already published content
Blogging for HubPages
When it comes to writing, HubPages have several advantages over publishing tools like Wordpress for instance. The blogging tool is very user friendly - and you don´t need any technical skills to insert images, links or media into your article. You just need to focus on your writing, the way it should be.
When composing a new hub, there are a few important things to think about. The number one important rule is to always stay unique! What this means is that you always must provide unique and unpublished content when writing blog posts for HubPages. This is in fact a golden key to all internet marketing success since search engines like Google will reward unique content only in their organic search results.
A second rule is to keep it long and informative! What does this mean? Well, it is a well known fact that long articles consisting of approximately 1250 words or more tend to perform well in search engines. Most likely this is due to the fact that an article consisting of 1500 words on a specific topic probably contains more valuable information than an article with 500 words. At least in the eyes of the search engines. There are always exceptions of course, but this is a general rule of thumb.
A third rule is to add some images, video or other media to your article. Even search engines understand that no matter how informative your long article is, it can get tiresome for readers to simply read paragraph after paragraph of text. Especially Google is known for highlighting content that is easily read and accessible for all users.
Earn Money With HubPages
A really fun and exciting part of HubPages is the opportunity to actually earn money from your own content! Once you have written some hubs you will quickly notice that your articles start to earn a couple of cents each, perhaps even dollars, in your member account earnings area.
Note that this is residual income as you will keep earning money from your hubs as long as they are being visited by other hubbers, or visitors from the internet.You can even promote your own hubs yourself to increase traffic even further.
There are several income streams to choose from when blogging for HubPages: Google Adsense, affiliate income from Ebay or Amazon, and the HubPages exclusive ad program. You can choose all of them, or simply choose to go with one or two etc.
It is however highly recommended that you opt in for the HubPages own ad Program for several reasons. This ad program is optimized for both generous advertising space and for increasing the overall advertising revenue. You can read about the pros and cons for each income stream in this informative hub.
Payments are sent conveniently to your PayPal account on a monthly basis as long as you have reached the minimum payout requirements.
Strategies for earning money
A good strategy for earning money when blogging is to actually write about something that truly interests you. There are plenty of bloggers out there that have started blogs around topics that attract high paying keywords, (like "insurance" for instance), only to find out how boring it can be to actually write about it.
Instead, try to focus on an ideal topic that both interests you and can generate at least some income. In the example above, perhaps the "dog training" blog won´t contain the highest paying keywords available, however, if you have the interest, you can certainly write many blog posts around the topic.
When blogging for HubPages, please remember that the amount of earnings you make is a numbers game consisting of both how many quality hubs you have written - and how old they are. Many newbie hubbers are initially disappointed how little their first "killer hubs" are making, so let's explain what really happens when a hub is published.
First off, your hub will most likely be visited by a few (or many) hubbers which is a good thing for creating some initial traffic. Perhaps more importantly though is the fast indexing of your article performed by search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing. Since HubPages is such a large and popular site, indexing can be made as fast as in a couple of hours, while it may would have taken days or weeks to have your article indexed when published on your personal blog.
If your hub is of top quality, other internet users will slowly mention it in other places on the web - or perhaps link to it - over the course of the next couple of months. This will slowly improve the ranking of your hub in the eyes of the search engines, thus increasing page views and advertisement clicks. By creating hubs with evergreen content, your hub can earn money for years to come.
The Numbers Game
We have concluded that you need quality hubs to perform well when it comes to earnings. This does not only mean that you have to be a good writer, writing about the things you like - you must also find a way to monetize your writing.
In HubPages, this is done automatically for you with all of the advertisements that are spread out surrounding your article. By choosing fairly popular keywords when writing your text, you may in fact be able to increase revenue from these ads. "Dog training" for instance is a fairly popular keyword with approximately 60.000 worldwide searches in Google per month, while "Dogs" accounts for over +1 million searches!
So, while your first hubs may seem to produce very little earnings at first, please know that it takes time for your hubs to build trust and authority amongst both readers and search engines. The more quality hubs you write and publish - the more you will eventually earn in the long run.
More Reading
For more reading on some general make money blogging tips, please visit our blog.
Self Promotion?
Is there anything you can do to speed up the process of earning more money from your hubs? Well, of course you have the possibility to promote the URL for your hub elsewhere on the web, as long as you do it wisely.
Possible places to do so could be in forums, discussion boards and social bookmarking sites. One great way to promote your hubs is to link to them from popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest.
However, many hubbers have noted that the best self promotion there is... is in fact writing more quality hubs - building trust and authority, as well as a name for yourself. Good luck!
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