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My Milestone of Three Hundred Followers

Updated on January 26, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

My Milestone of Three Hundred Followers

What do I learn along the way about writing on Hub pages?

I have tried to improve my older Hubs to increase earnings, quality, quantity, and feedback which has helped tremendously, unfortunately, not many of my hubs are featured.

My goals in writing are the most challenging. I have learned much more about how to increase my traffic daily and how to write articles online.

Recently I tried another avenue of writing, I submitted a few short stories, and these stories have become some of my best for online readers.

Also, their efforts make me feel confident and I know my hubs are being read by many other unknown hubbers.

Although traffic has decreased in the last few weeks, I am pleased to write on Hub pages. Hubs of quality require time and lots of effort. Hard work shows in the end. Everyone writes differently and time is often never enough.

I have noticed that producing a hub per day does make a difference in gaining traffic.

Sometimes writers have busy schedules and writing hubs can fall behind. Most individuals are not the same when it comes to reaching out for their goals. Some are hoping to earn big bucks while others prefer to write for pleasure.

If you are a professional writer many Hubs can be produced daily, for example, at least two to three Hubs can be submitted for publication. Experienced writers show great writing skills.

To gain more traffic Hubs should be more informative to get your reader's attention. Any hub with good information or about something different can raise one's eyebrows reading it.

A reader would look forward to reading more of your hubs. It may sound crazy to write up to ten Hubs per day, well, it is far too much work. Patience is required to make your work shown in quality and quantity.

A lack of professionalism can make your work appear like an inexperienced writer. Word count is important and should be carefully taken into consideration. You would want to inform your readers from the start to the end of your hub.

Keep your readers informed from the beginning of your hub, the idea must be mentioned, and don't beat around the bush with your information or idea.

There are many challenges on Hub pages and that's what makes the writing experience interesting.

I wrote for many sites but lately have come down to only one site. Hubpages has been and still is a great place to be. It is possible to earn given the time and lots of effort I had I have earned well.

Work your hardest to reach your goal of earning online. A certain amount of cash for every month is a challenge. You can be up for it if you have an interest in writing and earning online.

Tweaking Hubs after you have created one is a good idea. Don't ignore the valuable keywords which are one of the main reasons for your income. Many hubbers have their own experiences in writing for hub pages.

Some give up before they have started, and others go on to achieve their goals. It is not easy to have the best results daily. Traffic increases and decreases all the time or sometimes stays neutral.

You just have to understand how things work in the writing world to have that open-mindedness in publishing articles on the web. No writer earns the same it all depends on what you write, and how you write.

Presentation of your work plays an important role. The quality and quantity and images selected. Grammar checks for your hub. Spelling errors and style of writing to your audience have a lot to do with what you put out there.

How good are you at proofreading your work?

The language used to write the article plays an important of your audience's grip. Upload the appropriate video for your Hub.

The source and value of your information and the professionalism applied to the hub I try to fulfil all the required aspects to my hubs and still get to it You can earn from only ten Hubs if you choose the correct titles.

If SEO is chosen correctly you shouldn't have any issues with earning.

Panda Hits allow many writers to fail in achieving their goals. The traffic falls and earnings via Google Adsense, via Hub pages leave you left with not much payment earned.

I enjoy my writing here and that is most important to me. You must remember writing is not a quick-get-rich idea. Not every writer has the same performance. Some are successful while others are nowhere near that margin.

In failing to earn here some writers may choose to delete their hubs and have it published elsewhere, even then it may or may not work out.

I have three hundred Followers and have been writing here for over a year and have learned of the many ways to get by on this site. What you write about, the tags used, and to gain your readership are some of the main points to follow up on Hubpages.

You need to experiment with your hubs to earn your followers and readership, and also, to be a popular writer. If you are not popular your work won't mean much to you or the site, you chose to write about.

As you write your income grows, and the more you write, the more you see the differences in all categories. Show your expertise in your writing.

Hubs are worth it to you if you write and use proper keywords. To make money on Hub pages SEO is crucial do not let that part of your work be a failure. Your Hubs must be seen and read by your followers.

Comments are so helpful, and without followers how would you be that popular writer?

I write to share my thoughts and experiences with my followers. Earning is part of what I look forward to and is fine with me, but not my priority.

If my readers find my writing ideas of interest it makes me feel good about what I have produced. Just reading a comment from my faithful followers it makes me want to surprise them with newer titles.

There are many successful stories on Hub pages, and reading such stories makes one know it is possible to find a way to write here and to be a successful writer.

You must choose the right Niches

There are many niches and it is more difficult to choose the correct one.

Keep up to what you know, for example, if your title is as the following:

''How to cure illnesses'' the best niche would be '' Cure an illness naturally''

To learn of my greatest supporters, and how they got me where I am on Hub pages has been a great experience.

Thanks to all my followers for helping me through the Hub pages.

Write when you feel at your best


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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2013 Devika Primić


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