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Playing Bubblews

Updated on May 25, 2021

A visit to the Past

There was a site called Bubblews which was created to be a scam.

The two chaps behind it needed money to complete their education. They had a heavy course level, couldn't get actual jobs.

They hit upon the idea of creating a 'writing site' which would suck in millions of people, and they could reap the Ad revenue.

Being highly intelligent they knew how to create a Ponzi.

Everybody's Talking Bout

There are a few dozen articles about Bubblews on this site. In fact, it was the
talking point on a number of writing sites, from Wikinut to Triond.

Bubblews was the Talk of the Town.

And the Talk isn't Good.

I have written a few articles about the Bubble .. trying to warn the public that the site was a scam.

I was viciously attacked by Shills, you know who I mean, those semi-literate morons who claim that if you haven't been paid you broke the rules.

The best and most complete article about the scam called Bubblews can be found at I exhort you to read it.

This article grew out of a comment I posted in which I mentioned the method taken by a friend of mine who has successfully scammed the scammer.

It Isn't Just Bubblews

Yes, the Old Bub died, but there are new Bubs popping up every other week. The advice given here works on all sites.

If the site is real, okay.

If the site is fake, okay.

The point is, not to type your fingers off for nothing.

How She Did It

Noticing the extremely short articles Bubblews accepted, my friend went over items
she had written and published elsewhere.

Most sites demand 1000 words, along with images, links, etc.

As the Bubble accepts articles of only 400 characters, (less than 400 words),
every item she already wrote could be chopped into five on the Bubble.

She then began dumbing down her prose, going from University level to
Primary School.

No plagiarism checker would be alerted, if Bub even ran one.

She slapped new titles on each of the items, then published one under a Nick she'd chosen as her Bubblename.

Taking a Bit of Time

She returned to Bubblews the next day, noting how much $ her single extract had gained.

She went about the site reading and writing comments on articles written by others, as well as liking two articles each day.

She watched her Revenue, which mounted rather quickly. She set herself a quota, waiting three days before posting another extract of one of her items.

She wanted to be active, but not that active, nor did she want to create a pattern.

Most of her activity was reading and commenting and liking. She set her pattern to publish all five of her extracts in fifteen days.

Looking Around

Most of her time on Bubblews was spent searching for items which were actually worthy of being read. Most Bubble crud is rubbish, especially those items posted by the most vociferous shills.

It is obvious to anyone who ever read what Shills post that no real site would
publish such rubbish.

The Shills survived because they brought in other suckers, they defended Bubblews at every opportunity.

My friend verified the quality of the writing of those who hadn't been paid, so as
to satisfy herself that any claim that 'they broke the rules' was dog poo.

By this time she had reached $25.00 (which was the original minimum for redemption).

Most of her revenue was gathered by commenting. The smallest portion was
made up of publishing her extracts.

She put in for her redemption and got it in three days.

She never posted another extract or did more than log in every two to three days and check her bank.

Bubblews raised its threshold to $50.

She made the assumption that when Bubblews (which paid most users only once) changed its threshold, it would accept all redemptions of $50 as 'first payments.'

As her balance had grown over the period, she posted a few more extracts, commented, liked, reached $50 and was paid again.

Bubblews never ripped her off, never owed her any redemption. She had read Bubblews clearly and had protected herself.

And You Can Do It Too!

When you join so-called writing sites, don't use your real name. Create another user name, and another email account.

Use an American Proxy Server. Americans get paid faster than anyone else.

Where short articles are accepted, limit your output to 'extracts'. from already published items on other sites.

If you want, you can read a headline and make it into an article. You don't need to do much research.

Whatever you publish should require virtually no work and have no sentimental value.

Where one is paid for comments, focus on reading articles and making long comments; not just; "Good work!" On sites that pay for comments it is these long ones that get you $$.

At the most, publish one or two items a day. Comment, comment and comment again. Like and Like and Like again.

As you hit the minimum for redemption, stop writing. Stop everything. Put in for your payment and Wait.

Okay, if you are enjoying reading the items, go ahead, comment if you want, but know this, it is more than likely on all scam sites that you get ONE redemption.

Your First.

It is very unlikely you will get another.

Notice if your revenue is set to Zero the second you push 'Redeem Now'.

When you get that first pay out, run.


Why should you feel guilty?

Bubblews as numerous other sites are scams.

These are scams created to be scams which have ripped off hundreds, thousands
of people and will rip you off if you give them half a chance.

You aren't 'breaking' any rules by dumbing down your work and breaking it into
bite sized pieces.

If your tome was "Real Life Vampires" your extract can be titled; "Vampires Exist"
and you post one short extract.

One long article which covers six different 'Vampires' can be made into eight

Bubblews was only one of many sites which will Rip You off. It will give you the first pay, then nothing more.

Do a Google with the Site Name+Scam and see what you find.


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