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Now is it Spring Or Is It Autumn

Updated on August 3, 2017
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South of the Equator

Well here I am in the wee hours of the morning, pondering on the meaning of our existence, who we are as well as how we got there?

Johannesburg South Africa, not 50 Kms away from where I am sitting at my keyboard, even less as the crow flies, is The Cradle Of Humankind, where our earliest ancestors originated from, it is a Declared World Heritage Site as well.

This is where Mrs Ples was discovered, in this area, Early man walked, hunted and fought off all and sundry. Mankind then migrated across the rest of the world and populated the various Continent's.

Well, while mankind wandered, the solid land mass, split up diveded and moved around a bit, to where they are today. Although as modern measurements are increasing they discovered that these Continents are slowly moving back again.

Civilisation came to Mesopotamia, and they through the Phoenicians carried people and created other civilisations around with them and we had the growth of our world.

The Genome project has come up  with the DNA fact that we all actually originated from here with a certain amount of Darwinism we became what, who and where where we are today.

I am not going onto those details in this hub, but merely mention the migration out of Africa.

Welcome to Topsy Turvy World

What would the impact be if the those of us that are happily living in the South celibrate our own Earth based seasonal festivals and hold our Rites of Spring, when the North participate in the Rites of Autumn..

Would then any of these ritualistic earth bounded rituals have the same impact, as we have now created a chasm and split the oneness?

Well I for one, would not like to party and frolic around a May pole when the chances are we had a touch of frost or some snow fall the previous night were we were on holiday in the Drakensberg, It gets freezing cold their, especially late Autumn.

As for Sitting around a fireplace and toasting chestnuts, which would have to be imported,the chestnuts that is, not the nuts wanting to toast them. We would then be sweltering hot, even with the barest of minimum ritual garbs.

Or drinken mulled ale or gluvien in temperatures of 28 Degrees Centigrade to participate in some Druidic or Celtic Ritual.

Casting of Horoscopes

What would the difference be, if two Scorpios born on the same time zone same date but in opposite hemispheres be?

Would certain aspects really have to change? Surely the Southern Scorpio needs to really be be an Aries or is it some other sign opposite it in the wheel of the Star sign chart?

Why else do the astrologists ask for the place of birth when casting as your detailed and personal chart, so that they can chart your true sign and cloak it in the mysticism of there practising esoteric skills.

In Conclusion - For Northern Hemisphere Only

Have a good celibration or festival this coming Spring day which is nearly upon you.

Eat and enjoy all those crisp summery foods that you have been denied of this past winter.


Some Snacks Type Foods

For desert or Tea Time

For Good Old Saint Paddy

What would this be with out a feasting and a partying I ask myself.

so to be sure I will be having a goodly feast and have set out my favourite Foods for this fine occasion.

Well would start with a fine plate of Batter-Fried-Fish, with this i would be having Hot Beetroot and Baby Potato Salad Then after a few glasses of good Whiskey and a talking with fine company.

The Main meal, a feast of epic proportions Deep-Dish Lamb Pie or some slow cooked Irish-Stew-An-Old-Family-Recipe, with some Corned-Beef-and-Carrots with all the fine trimmings.

I wll be raising a glass to all of you come the 17th, remember to wear green even if it cant be seen.

I copied this one especially for all of you!

An Old Celtic Blessing

May the blessing of light be on you—
light without and light within.
May the blessed sunlight shine on you
and warm your heart
till it glows like a great peat fire.

Well a happy time for all of you fellow hubbers.

Till we meet again

May God hold you in the palam of his hand


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