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The Art of Living in Spirit

Updated on November 29, 2019
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Katerina Kostaki is a Greek spiritual and visionary Author,Poet, Mentor,Broadcaster, Youtuber.Owner of the ACADEMY OF INNER LIGHT (NETWORK).

"Why don't you create a hub on the Art of Living in Spirit ?"

"Why not? ", I replied. "Let me check in my Archive first".

The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now

The Art of Living: A Guide to Mindfulness, Personal Growth, and Peace with Transformative Meditations for Understanding Life's Deepest Questions and Experiencing Happiness and Freedom
The Art of Living: A Guide to Mindfulness, Personal Growth, and Peace with Transformative Meditations for Understanding Life's Deepest Questions and Experiencing Happiness and Freedom
In troubled times, there is an urgency to understand ourselves and our world. We have so many questions, and they tug at us night and day, consciously and unconsciously. In this important volume Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh——one of the most revered spiritual leaders in the world today——reveals an art of living in mindfulness that helps us answer life’s deepest questions and experience the happiness and freedom we desire.

Insights vs Inner Critic

An insight was given on Saturday evening as a strike back to an inner critic voice.

A sort of an - inner critic- mess with a few upheavals like an emotional whirlpool!

"What kind of lens should I start creating onHubPages ?"

Yeah,this sort of mess...

As a miracle -maker my heart became my Holy Guide on this emotional turbulence and provided with a huge, inspirational and motivational insight to deal with the following days to come!


Higher Purpose is needed

Actually,on my various articles posted on my network , I am emphasizing the sense of a Higher Purpose as well as I encourage readers to overcome any gloomy life-scams and evolve.

On this hub I am willing to share with you my love for Knowledge and Inspire people to Love it (as well).

"The most important thing to remember is when on emotional disorder transform your energy into a creative and imaginary pool of infinite opportunities.

Let your Heart transform this energy into creativity"

*Spiritual Quotes by Katerina Kostaki

The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil
The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil
From the New York Times bestselling author of Awakening in the Dream comes a book that will take readers on a surprising and enthralling journey through the history of the universe, exploring the great cosmic battle surrounding our own ascension.

Darkness as a fruitful essence?

Sometimes our darkest moments,negative thinking and mood can be a supportive essence for our spiritual and creative purpose.

We can learn much from our experiences and feelings especially if we write down on journal or diary whatever appeals much or less on our sensitivity and thus create a useful and inspirational stuff .

Learning to live in the Art of Spirit

So the question is :"Do we really need to learn on the Art of living in Spirit?"

The options are just two:

1. Teachability is the case.We need to learn more on Spirituality for Spiritual Evolution and Transformation

2. We are realists.No need to seek for Spiritual means and skills on Self-Transformation.

However the choice is yours!

The Art Spirit
The Art Spirit
"Art when really understood is the province of every human being." So begins The Art Spirit, the collected words, teachings, and wisdom of innovative artist and beloved teacher Robert Henri. Henri, who painted in the Realist style and was a founding member of the Ashcan School, was known for his belief in interactive nature of creativity and inspiration, and the enduring power of art. Since its first publication in 1923, The Art Spirit, has been a source of inspiration for artists and creatives from David Lynch to George Bellows. Filled with valuable technical advice as well as wisdom about the place of art and the artist in American society, this classic work continues to be a must-read for anyone interested in the power of creation and the beauty of art.

© 2013 Katerina Kostaki


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