Writing Good Content
What are the important things?
Since writing on HubPages, I have found two things to be undeniably true; if I write with passion, an article does far better statistically, and if I am writing because I just want to get an article out, I know it won't do as well.
I go head-over-heals when it comes to big dumb dogs, or any dog for that matter. I could spend my days happily hanging around, playing and snuggling with these wolf like beasts. So when I put pen to pad on a dog related article, I find my brain and hands to become very in-tune with each other. The ease with which the words and information rush to the forefront of my mind is amazing, information begins lining up waiting its turn to run down my arm and activate the tactile motions of my hands making dog related words appear on my computer screen, and it feels good, it feels smooth, and it feels right.
When passionate hubs are written, I find it a delightful task to monetize the page, make the search engine optimization (SEO) flow nicely within the words, manage the position of keywords and related terms. I know I am offering the best bits of top knowledge that are telling my readers how to contend with their canine best friends. It is an honor to bring this type of hub to hub pages and the readers that are kind enough to follow what I write about, and the things I feel are the most important to me.
Linking Hubs Together
Linking the hubs together because they teach on different portions of the same topic helps me to add value to my hubs. Basically referring my reader to another hub that can continue the teaching within; in my case, the "Dog" topic. I can add each hub to a group in the account section of my HubPages, or link directly to a hub via the linking tool in each text capsule's edit mode. Also, I often connect to great content hubs belonging to other quality hubbers that may help to improve my readers learning experience.
Online Marketing
Another thing I find very helpful when writing about the most important things to me, is the nifty 'suggest links' tool at the top of every hub I write. Once I have written the hub, monetized it, am happy with the SEO and rss feeds, I can broaden my teaching by using related 'suggested links'. By clicking on the tab and watching the suggestions highlight all over my hub, I get an opportunity to discover more information that might help my reader.It is truly the easiest way to add intellectual value to the topic you are presenting. This also helps with a hubber's 'Hub Karma' score. In essence, what you are doing is allowing this great tool hub pages provides you with to find related hubs, so can choose the best links to other hubbers' (or your own) hubs. When you click on the highlighted word within a sentence, a list containing several other hubs pops up for you to review and find the most related article for you to link with.
HubPages Articles By HubPages
- How to Create Great Content
Welcome to HubPages! Now that you are ready to start your first Hub, it's important we let you know about what it takes to be a successful Hubber. First off, HubPages is not your personal blog. Many new Hubbers make this mistake and come on HubPages. - 3 Unusual Ways to Make Money at HubPages
There are many ways to earn money at HubPages. While it is primarily a writing website, there are other ways to generate income on the site. I outline five ways here and tag them as
Linking To Hubs
When you link to hubs, you help other hubbers (which is always a good thing) and you gain better hub karma, the bonus on top of dong all these good things is, you are bettering your readers adventure which will keep bringing them back to read the topics you write so passionately about.Now isn't this what it's all about? Oh, and of course the better time your reader has at your hub, the more apt they are to tell a friend or share your work, which brings more readers, potentially adding to your monetizing goals with dollar signs all adding up to a growing bank account. It is amazing what writing can bring to you, but it must always start with a passionate reason to write or teach on a topic.
I frequently say, "Write because you can, and then because baby needs new shoes!"
If I feel the need to pump-out another hub just to hit a quota or meet a numbers goal, I find the lack of passion within the body of writing can become flat and uninteresting; only bringing the most loyal of readers to the party. If you present this level of work, that is if you write without depth and lack teaching, you may find that your loyal readers will slowly begin to graze in another pasture.
If making a living at this online writing is a true heartfelt need, No matter what your subject matter is, you must find a way to inject passion somewhere. If you feel the drive to present material that offers information, or a product review, or you have a store you want to sell 'things' on, I honestly feel you should have a passion for that information, product or store.
Knowing how to market and gain SEO for this type of hub is an art that requires the know how to make it profitable,...possibly the profitability of the hub is where the passion is harbored within you. That is still passion and that is what is great about writing; we each find passion in different places within the body of work.
Are you more likely to share a hub if you find it passionate?
In Conclusion
Writing about the most important thing 'to you' while delivering passion, will bring you the greatest success when presenting hubs or writing of any type. Writing just to get another article out may increase your hub numbers, however be mindful that you don't deplete the interest of your loyal hub followers.
I have included for your increased reading pleasure some very good hub links by hubbers that I think will help you advance the quality and financial potential of your hubs. When you write about the most important things to you, these hub links will make an excellent selection to refer to time and time again. Now, go write a hub about the things you find important, keep it passionate, informative, offer something cool and learn how to monetize it effectively by reading hubs by knowledgeable hubbers!