What Determines HubPages Success?
600 Followers and Over 100,000 Views Works for Me!
First I want to say a great big thank you to all my HubPage followers. Without you, I would be very lonely here. And also without you, I would not be able to write this hub!
Today is a banner day for me in the land of HubPages. I just noticed that I have gained my 600th follower. I also have recently been notified that my hubs have been viewed over 100,000 times. And right now, as I write this my Hubber Score is at 100. Whoo hoo...time to celebrate. Bring out the cake and fireworks! In case you think I am sarcastic writing that, I am not. I am genuinely excited about all of these new happenings on my HubPages account. And I am taking a moment to celebrate because as we all know, things can change quickly here. Before I am done writing this, my Hubber Score could drop. Or one of my followers could decide not to follow me anymore, and my number of followers could drop below 600. But that's how it works here at HubPages, and after being a HubPages member for 17 months, I'm okay with that! I'm here for the long haul.
Now some of you may be thinking that the real success for a HubPage writer should come in the form of money. Well, yes, the greenbacks are pretty nice as well. And while I am making some money here at HubPages, it is not the main measure of success for me. I have always wanted to write, and HubPages gave me my first chance to get my writing out there to the world. When I first started to get followers, I was quite amazed. And since I am a goal setter, I love the challenges HubPages gives me even more. I have participated in numerous 10 Hubs in 10 Days Challenges, as well as numerous 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenges (and for those of you paying attention, I'm in the middle of one of those right now). Do I always meet my goals? No, but each challenge makes me more determined to reach my goals. Sometimes I only publish 25 out of the 30 hubs in a challenge. But that's okay. It is twice as many as I would have written if I had not challenged myself. And I have friends who have told me that my writing is improving. I'm not sure what that means for the hubs I originally wrote, but I will take the compliment while I can get one. But I know that my writing experience here on HubPages has helped me improve my writing skills, and that's another measure of success for me.
HubPages Poll
What is Your definition of Success on HubPages?
There are many different measures of success here at HubPages and each writer who publishes a hub needs to decide for himself or herself what their measure of success will be. For some people, it is the sheer fun of writing. For others, it is the statistics such as the number of followers, Hubber Score, etc.And for some, it's the money being a HubPage writer can bring them, either through Google Adsense, HubPage Ads, eBay, Amazon.com, or all of the above. If you are a HubPages writer, please take the poll at right to share with readers what the measure of HubPages success is to you.
If you are not a HubPages writer yet but would like to be, click the link below to sign up for HubPages for free, and write your heart out. HubPages is a great community of writers that offer support and camaraderie for writers and those who want to be at their best in the writing world.
My HubPages Statistics
Hub Pages Table
| Length of Time on HubPages
| Number of Followers
| Number of Views
| Hubber Score
| Number of Hubs Written
| 17 months
| 600
| 101,530
| 100
| 213
This table will be updated every 6 months from June, 2013
To really be a successful HubPages member, I find it best to challenge myself often, aim high and set goals. If I reach my goals, it is cause for personal celebration. And then set the bar higher. If I don't reach my goals for a certain challenge, I pick myself up, dust myself off, and try again. When I first joined HubPages, I read a lot of hubs of encouragement, and often I read the same line...it takes time to become successful on HubPages. It's a marathon for those that are in it for the long haul, not a sprint to see who can finish first. I am in it for the long haul and am so thankful for all I have learned along the way. I consider myself successful on HubPages and am grateful to have stumbled upon this site 17 months ago.
What is your definition of HubPages success?
Update on 6/29/2013
I am so surprised and happy about this turn of events...in the 4 days since I wrote this, I have gained another 16 followers! I remembered when Millionaire Tips wrote a hub about how she had written 200 hubs, I started to follow her because I thought she must know what she's doing if she had written that many. Maybe that's a tip for other hubbers...don't be afraid to share your success because the rest of us want to know what you are doing right!!!
© 2013 Karen Hellier