Free Images For Your Hub, Blog, Website or Video
Why Use Images
"Picture says 1000 words"
True, without images your hub, blog or website looks soulless. Images form the most important part of the hub, they attract attention and make the hub look more professional.
What Types of Images Can Be Used
You browse through internet and find an image perfect for your hub, can you use that image? The answer is "NO" (at least, not without finding out about the image). You can only use images for which you own the right, have obtained the right or have permission to use from the owner.
The different types of images that you can use are:-
1) Your own image: Any image or picture that you have taken by yourself i.e. you are the owner of the image. In this case you do not require any permission; you can use the image freely and without any restriction.
2) Images with Creative Commons Licence: Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that allows publisher to get licence for their work as per their requirement and terms of distribution. There are 6 different types of licences that can be obtained under Creative Commons. The 6 licences are:-
Of the 6 licences, you can use image with licence CC BY, CC BY-SA and CC BY-ND for commercial use.
Important: It is very important to properly attribute an image as required under the licence.
3) Requesting for rights: If you cannot find a free image or do not own an image as per your requirement, you can find a normal image and request the owner to allow the use of that image for specific purpose. There are many generous owners of the images that do allow use of images on request.
Where To Find Free Pictures
Where To Find Free Images
Google Images provides an option to find free images under advanced search. It searches for images that use Creative Commons Licence and displays it.
Here is the path to get free images:-
1) Go to
2) Select Advanced Search
3) Go to Usage rights and select the type of licence, for your hubs, websites, blogs and videos that are used for commercial purpose or they general income, make sure to tick commercial use button as well.
1) Make sure to properly attribute the image as required under the licence. To attribute, first find out if there is some kind of specific attribute requested by the owner of that image, if yes - use that way of attribution. If author has not mentioned any specific way of attribution - make sure to properly attribute by giving author name, licence type and a link to original image. It is very nice though, to provide a separate link to the author's profile.
2) Buy image: If you are very specific about using an image, you can also buy images from various stock images website like