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5 Reasons No One Is Reading Your Hub On HubPages

Updated on February 27, 2018
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Elton graduated from Common Sense University, is a father, artist and is currently featured on multiple blogs, sites and even edits a few.

Your Hub's Boring

Writing down information in a systemic, banal manner isn't conducive to an energetic and engaging read. Oftentimes, a reader move on or, at best, skim through technical, robotic yammering to extrapolate anything useful. Yet, if what they need is still buried in monotone, they move on, leaving your Hub behind in a pile of forgotten pages. Even if the information provided was useful and what they needed to begin with, they're probably not coming back.

The key to successfully engaging a reader is to talk to them. Well...not physically (unless you've developed a way to do that, in which case, you're on your way to billions of dollars and changing the world; kudos to you) but, through the pace and delivery of your writing. Evoking an "easy conversation" is key. Writing in a dense and technical way can cloud a reader's willingness to keep reading.

How do you capture that "easy conversation" style?

The best way is to read what you yourself. If it reads clumsy, it's because it is. If it seems too choppy, again, it's because it is. Try and write like you speak and you might find your readership picking up.

The Reason YOU Think They're Not Reading Your Hubs

Why aren't more people reading your Hubs?

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Your Hub's Subjects Suck

Picking the right subject to Hub about can be a chore. Often, what kills the readership of a Hub isn't the writing, it's what the Hub is about. That, in turn, leads to diminished returns, when it comes to earning potential.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are tons of Steve Guttenberg fans dying to know his favorite ice cream flavor, just, not enough to make any serious money from. When it comes to HubPages and their ability to make money, subject matter is key.

[It's vanilla, by the way...according to Steve Guttenberg facts.]

A good subject is important for two reasons; one, a lot of Hubs are found via Google which puts the most relevant link first...and people search for interesting things...a lot. If the subject you're writing about isn't something people readily want to look up, chances are, your Hubs won't be read. If what you're writing about isn't relevant or interesting and able to draw someone in, it's a non-starter.

Things like that directly affect how much any Hub will earn over time. If you're not making the grade on either, you might consider a change in topics.

Other than changing up the subject, you can always massage your Hub into working for you. Though, it's easier by far to simply dump what you have and move on. If you're certain that a lot of people give a damn about that Guttenberg and his love of vanilla and must know all about, there are things you can do to make it work for you.

Tying it to something that people are searching for can help bring your article out of the darkness and into the light. Say, for instance, somehow linking Guttenberg's love of all icy creams vanilla with Kim Kardashian's love of vanilla colored pants could turn your lump of coal into a diamond.

Should a massaged article start to turn some heads, monetizing is one way to try to make lemonade out of lemons. Maybe Steve Guttenberg's "ice cream lovin' " will help sell a book about the man or maybe how to make a great vanilla ice cream. So, adding a link to a book about it may generate some revenue for you.

It's a long shot, but, it could be worth it. Even the sun shines on a dog's butt once in awhile.

Your Hub's Subject Is Dated

Oh, the lonely cry of a Hub with a dead topic. It's an echoing, haunting moan that's usually reserved for artsy French movies and Monty Python sketches. Yet, whenever a Hub goes unread due to it's irrelevant subject matter, it's wail sobs it's way across cyberspace, lowering viewership, feature prospects and depressing everyone all around.

Can anything be done?

Alas, there is, though, it must be said that it takes a knack to get the hang of it. Luckily, once you do get that sweet knack, subjects to write about start rolling in.

The knack you're aiming for, is the ability to identify and write about "evergreen subjects". These are topics that never get old like; how to ride a bike, building a better mouse trap or hurricane safety. It's something that everyone wants to know about at some point and will always be looking for. The trick is finding those subjects. Lucky for you, they're generated everyday!

How is that, you say? Oddly enough, the world pumps out evergreen all the time, finding it and utilizing it is the conundrum. Evergreen topics can be found in almost any news report, political maneuver or world event. They're prevalent in technology and newly realized business ideas as well.

Who would have guess that just a couple of years after it's innovative rebound, electric cars would be on the fast track to being as accepted as they are today? There's an evergreen topic rife for exploitation. Spotting and culling those precious subjects from the river of information we drown in everyday shouldn't be too hard. Sure, it takes practice, but, heck, what else are you doing right now? Give it a shot and see what happens. You could end up writing the next million view article.

Your readership lately
Your readership lately

Your Hub's writing sucks

Sure, it can't all be blamed on poor subject matter. How those subjects are written about, might also be a problem. Writing isn't a natural ability, as we all know, from the many years we were taught to do it in school.

It's a craft, that is received best when executed properly, if anything. That's not to say that you Hemingway's chops to write a Hub, but, a working knowledge of how to write helps a lot.

A really, great and almost sure fire way to improve your ability is to read through "The Elements of Style". Witty and informative, it's been helping writers cope with sucking and teaching them how to not suck for a very, very long time.

If you find your Hubs lack any readership of note, the cause may very well be that your Hub isn't written well. Maybe a good rewrite is all it takes to get the cash ah'rollin' in.

A nifty way to see how "off" your Hub may or may not be, is to read it aloud (or very low and whispery, if you're in a crowded room and are easily embarrassed). If what you're reading doesn't sound natural or flow in a coherent way. You might be due for a re-write to help clean things up.

What "poor information" does to readership
What "poor information" does to readership

What Your Hub's "saying" sucks

Hey, maybe you have the subject licked and your writing ability is putting Tolstoy to damned dirty shame. Bravo! Still, no one is picking up on your awesomeness. What gives?

It might be that what you're saying about your subject, as well written as it is, isn't very informative or helpful. A lot of times, simply writing about something isn't enough. Informing the reader of or adding to their knowledge of the topic is what your Hub is lacking. True, they can find a plethora of information on this "information superhighway" that we know and love, but, maybe you can add something more and didn't.

Researching your subject, even a little, can go a long way to adding value and earning capabilities to your hub. Try it, it might be what you need to get the ball rolling.

Lame, confusing titles lead readers away from your Hub
Lame, confusing titles lead readers away from your Hub

Your Hub's Title Sucks

Alas, all of those other things are moot, redundant idiosyncrasies compared to an awful title.

You might have the best written Hub on this or any other Earth like planet, but, it's chances of being read and paying out are slim to nil. If the title is unappealing, no one will read it.

Boring, generalized titles like, "Steve Guttenburg Likes" or "Steve Guttenburg Stuff" don't sound very interesting and will likely lead a reader to a different choice with better labeling.

Often, when confronted with what to name my Hub, I try to think of myself as a person searching for...whatever it is I'm writing about. Would I click on something named...whatever it is I'm going to name my Hub? Does it appeal to my sense of curiosity and desire to learn more about it?

If the answer is a resounding "No.", then, it's time to amp up your title to draw people in. Only then will you see your revenue kick into high gear.

Learning to self-edit helps a lot

There's Still Hope!

The good news is--all of the aforementioned things can be changed. Be it with patience, refinement and learning, your Hubs earning potential is still salvageable.

Take the time to evaluate or ask an experienced Hubber to evaluate your Hub for discrepancies. There are lots of people more than willing to help and have loads of experience to teach from.

Above all, know that creating a good, money earning Hub is, in and of itself, a sort of art form. It takes time to get it write, so, don't be frustrated. In time, you'll be raking in the dough from your well formed Hubs.

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