How To Write The Perfect Hub
I will start this article by saying that I am not an expert at hubbing. But then again who really is. One thing I can say is that I have been around the block a few times and have come to know the hubpages community and what works in hubs and what doesn't work. In this hub I will share the benefit of the knowledge I have gleaned over time. This article is primarily about writing the best hub you can, which can lead to making the most ad revenue but this is mostly about the topic, composing, etc.
If your like me and want to be able to write on a daily basis it can become difficult at times to think of new subject matter all of the time. We've all had writer's block and I know it is no picnic, sometimes you rack your brain and just can't think of anything new. I recommend writing what you know.
For example I often make claymation cartoons, music and other art. That being said I have often written hubs on how I make these things. Also I have written hubs on the story in the cartoons and other angles of what I produce on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. I wrote a hub on furnace installation as I recently had one put in and wanted to chronicle the experience and help others who may have to go through this situation. I've written hubs on selling on Ebay, and other types of work or online endeavors. Overall write about things that you know something about.
If you really have nothing going on and can't apply anything in your life to a hub you need to sit and brainstorm. I find going for a walk, taking a look at old pictures you've taken from the past, stories of your childhood, the music, film and other things you are interested in is a good place to start. It will spark the imagination and set you on a good path to writing your next hub. As you think of ideas it is important to write them down so you can peruse your list later and choose one to write on.
This can be a tricky thing to do. Achieving the highest hub number right away is almost impossible. What you can hope for is that your hub number will rise over time. Part of this is writing very interesting material. Part of it is writing something no one would vote down. If this is a rant or a view that is controversial you may find this isn't going to be a perfect "100" hub.
Tips I can give are to think long and hard about the keywords you use in your article. Try to write a hub between 500 - 700 words, no longer, no shorter. Use a title that will grab the reader and suck them in. always make sure you are placing your hub into the correct category. Use photos, video and other modules in hubpages whenever possible.
Keep in mind that there is no exact science to it. Everyone has to find their own path but hopefully this hub will help. Leave a comment if you have further questions on how I write my hubs or if you have your own tips.
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