Cassandra (Cassi) Schmigotzki
Who am I?
I have issues writing an "About Me" section in all my social networks. I have no clue what to include. Do I give too little or too much information about my life when I do include it? I can never tell.
HubPages looks like a place I can start to develop my "About Me" that's beyond a resume. I can start with the basics then take others' input and broaden my information. Why I didn't look for this route before is beyond me.
(Except where noted, pictures found on this lens are taken by me.)
My Household in Pictures
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeFull Time Work History
- Health & Wellness Coach at The Long and Winding Road to Wellness
- Purchasing Manager at Aerospace Products Company
- Contract Employee at Northwest Software
- Administrative Secretary at IUPUI Center for Young Children
Part Time Work History
- Vice President & Co-Director at Queen Nefertiti Productions
- Tax Professional at H&R Block
- Cashier at Office Depot
- Receptionist at Woodstock Country Club
Random Facts
- Born in Columbus, OH. Moved to Indianapolis, IN when I was 3. So I've been here most of my life and still don't really know much about this city.
- I don't mind gray hairs. Mine are actually growing right where I want them....stripes up like the Bride of Frankenstein!
- I don't really care for any sports but will watch the summer Olympics.
- My favorite movie of all time is Titanic.
- I'd love to live (at least part of the year) at the beach.
- I love languages, hence my degree in French and marrying a native German. I've yet to travel overseas though.
Life Gifts
I did some self study several years ago on my gifts. I didn't record the name of the source in my journal so I don't have anything to direct anyone else to do the same.
- INVESTIGATIVE: Researching, working independently, computer aptitude
- ARTISTIC: Verbal/linguistic skills
- SOCIAL: Listening & facilitating, conversing/informing, being of service, being empathetic and tactful, working with others
- CONVENTIONAL: Persevering
Spiritual Gifts
- Showing Mercy
- Encouraging/Exhorting
- Serving/Ministry/Helps
- Administrative/Ruling
Personality Traits
- PRIMARY: Melancholy - Passive/Task-oriented
- SECONDARY: Phlegmatic - Passive/People-oriented
- COMBINATION: Competent Specialist
My Links
- Personal Facebook
- The Long & Winding to Wellness: Cassi's Journey
FB page for my health and wellness journey blog - The Long & Winding Road to Wellness
FB page for wellness coaching - Pinterest
- Tsu