Hub Metrics

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  1. spease profile image58
    speaseposted 14 years ago

    Is the Revenue potential in the hub metrics based strictly on the subject of the content?  Or is there something that can be done to improve that?

  2. relache profile image73
    relacheposted 14 years ago

    It's just an undefined indication of potential which I think is primarily influenced by your tags.  But it's no indication of how well the Hub is actually interacting with your audience, nor is it any indication of true earnings.

  3. sunforged profile image71
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    1) what is it based on? - undefined, but seems to be some sort of keyword scan, I dont believe it is tags, as I usually max out the stars before placing any tags (other than the first 2) based on my keyword research

    so i think it scans the url/headers keyword density and measure from there

    2) Can you do anything about it?

    Sure, forget the hub measurement, you can maximize your click potential earnings and traffic by taking advantage of keyword research before writing

    most use the simple

  4. spease profile image58
    speaseposted 14 years ago

    Thanks for the feedback.  I was just wondering if there was some basis that was worth working on.

  5. sunforged profile image71
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    From your response Im not sure if we made sense

    Since you write a lot about disc golf:

    top ecpc from a keyword tool

    az disc golf        $1.49   
    innova golf discs        $1.48   
    frisbee golf discs        $1.23   
    aerobie disc golf        $1.19   
    innova disc golf        $1.13   
    disc golf online        $1.11   
    disc golf equipment        $1.10   
    disc golf sales        $1.09   
    disc golf supplies        $1.08

    If you work any of those terms into your titles, a couple of headers in a text capsule and 3-4 times throughout your text, your very likely to return ads based on those keywords - over a 1.00 aint bad and your very likely to increase the metric

    But more importantly your very likely to increase your earnings

    sorry, if you were already completely in the know, but figured Id finish fleshing the answer out just in case

    -good story about the stolen disc bag - you already have

    disc golf bags        $1.04

    a good keyword in the url and a couple of times throughout - use your header option more with text capsules to really influence the ad s that are triggered (although that one seems to be doing just fine)

  6. Len Cannon profile image89
    Len Cannonposted 14 years ago

    Since sunforged is being incredibly helpful in this thread, I might as well ask while it is relevant.  How much weight do keywords in the entire text have versus keywords in the title/first two paragraphs in regards to Adsense selections?

  7. sunforged profile image71
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    Normally, i can give concrete answers that have back up besides my own experience and testing, in this case, im only stating my own theory.

    5 ads display on each hub page (it looks like 4 when your logged in, but there is an additional banner ad when you are not)

    BTW - i am working on an article that explains this with pictures

    The order of precedence (in my opinion is)


    Hub Title

    H2 (text capsule header, or selected from dropdown in text capsule)

    Proximity to ad


    That order is only important when you first publish, why?

    because adsense uses the data from your page to target teh best performing modules and serves best performing ads based on their performance on your page

    and another big but is hubpages own Yieldbuild service - i dont know if that only effects ad placement or if it also effects selection

    Usually when im tweaking an established/indexed/performing hub you can see the ads change in relation to your keyword placements just by hitting refresh a couple of times - i play until im certain the big hitter ads I want are being served

    I would really like to know if the big banner ad is our impression to?

    disclaimer- this is mostly my theory pertaining to hubs, but the adsense serving formula is openly stated within your adsense accounts and forums

  8. sunforged profile image71
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    I should point out that i mostly use adwords data for traffic, adsense is not an important part of my income, But once a hub is doing what I want it to, I do try and optimize the ads as a fallback

    My main topics , ebay /online auctions / aff marketing /writing for money , are all pretty hard to top rank for w/o significant backlinking

  9. spease profile image58
    speaseposted 14 years ago

    sunforged   Thank you for all the great info.  I appreciate the time on your answer.


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