Two of my Hubs Unpublished

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  1. sid_candid profile image57
    sid_candidposted 13 years ago

    Hubpages has unpublished two hubs of mine saying they are substandard. One of the hub was written about 4 days back has three videos and lots of useful information so cannot understand what is the problem? The other hub was written more than a year back in March last year so don't how can it be a problem now if it hasn't been so long. I want to help Hubpages be a better online community and if my hubs are making things difficult for the site I am ready to remove them or revise them but would need actual advice and correct guidelines.

  2. sid_candid profile image57
    sid_candidposted 13 years ago

    It would be great if some of the Hubpages staff answer this though fellow hubbers too can throw in their valuable opinions.

  3. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 13 years ago

    It is the weekend...and Easter...

    Are the hubs short? Do they have pixelated pictures or watermarked pictures? Are there lots of spelling and grammar errors? Is the text all original?

    I have said it before, I think they are going through everyone's hubs. One I had unpublished was from 2 years ago.

    This is what they say in help:

    Substandard simply means that the quality of the Hub does not meet HubPages' standards. Below are some common reasons that a Hub may be moderated as substandard:

    "Test" or otherwise unfinished Hubs
    Very little content
    Poorly formatted content
    Content that contains grammar or spelling mistakes that make it difficult to read or understand
    Broken links or videos
    Remember that you can always spend some time improving your Hub to meet HubPages standards, and submit it for republication.

  4. Rosie2010 profile image66
    Rosie2010posted 13 years ago

    Hiya Sid, a lot of us have received the same standard email after our hubs had been unpublished.  It's a pain.  I also couldn't figure out what was wrong with my hubs.. I also had two hubs flagged.  I finally emailed HP for help and HP came back to me saying it was watermarked photos.  The watermark was so light I couldn't find it at first.. but by looking from the side of my computer, I finally found the offending watermarked photos and deleted them, and republished.  So just enjoy the weekend, don't knock yourself out figuring out what was wrong.  If you already emailed HP, they will get back to you pointing out the problem with your hubs.  If you haven't sent an email, do it now.  Here's HP contact..

  5. GmaGoldie profile image82
    GmaGoldieposted 13 years ago

    Both the pixelated and the water mark photos really need to be highlighted in yellow to help the writer find the problem quick and fix the problem fast.

    I am so frustrated with unpublished Hubs and now I have links broken all over the place.  I simply do not have time for this.  I working full time, teaching fitness at two premier resorts and I am exhausted.

    I appreciate Hub Pages trying to make this better but it must be streamlined for the writer.

    1. PierAllegro profile image60
      PierAllegroposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. A simple indication "photo" "poor grammar" would save everybody a lot of frustration. HB staff claims that it is actually humans who detect all this 'violations'. Well, then,  how about if those humans indicate the type of violation it is or can they be simply mistaken? Do they actually reply to letters with questions? I'm new to the community and I've published 7 hubs .  Three  were suspended I have no idea why. I think that indicating the type of offence you've committed would be time-saving. Do you agree?

  6. mdlawyer profile image39
    mdlawyerposted 13 years ago

    Only one hub of mine was unpublished about 3 months ago, with no specific reason. Resubmitted twice with modifications, but no avail.  Pixelated image issue with one,though still in the published status, and I rectified it by reducing one image to half size and it's okay.

  7. sofs profile image76
    sofsposted 13 years ago

    Yep , I had my hubs being unpublished for the same reasons .. just check and have alternate pictures put in your hubs.
    It is not the problem of Hubpages actually speaking; they have all these rules in place though they were not implemented until now.. It is not difficult, though it is a pain to find suitable pictures and replace them.

    1. PierAllegro profile image60
      PierAllegroposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I used a foreign title Just for fun. Hemingway, Fallaci, Eisenstein did it too. It is not uncommon, I'm trying to say. Do you think that would be a violation?

  8. IzzyM profile image84
    IzzyMposted 13 years ago

    I've had hubs unpublished too, but what is really annoying me is that it seems like the rules are changing daily. First it was removed extra ebay and Amazon capsules, now it is remove unrelated feeds and pixelated images and God knows what else. Coming soon is the removal of affiliate links.

    This is a huge amount of work for authors!

    Why couldn't they have sat round a table, thrashed out a series of measures, and presented them all at once?

    We go through each hub and edit it accordingly. Job done.

    This is a huge task for all of us unless we only have about 20 hubs or something. But it becomes an arduous mountain when we have to repeat the task weekly.

    I know I have watermarked images, I just don't remember where. I thought (wrongly obviously) that a watermark was the owner of the image putting his mark on it and saying "You can use this image, but if you want to use it commercially, you will have to pay to get the watermark taken off".

    I wouldn't really have thought of hubs as 'commercial' in that sense.

    As most of my hubs don't get any or much traffic, especially post-Panda, all I have to do is make sure that those hubs that have held up well don't have such photos or other rule-breakers that would see them unpublished.

    1. PierAllegro profile image60
      PierAllegroposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I use my own images They may look however kinda professional. Do you think that they might be mistaken for stock photos?
      What if you purchase picks from Fotolia?

      1. IzzyM profile image84
        IzzyMposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Well I really didn't mean to go over the photo issue but seeing you have responded to that point in my post, using your own images is always best, especially if you have nice clear shots.
        If you purchase pics from wherever, no-one need know because the watermark will have been removed (of course anyone can then copy your pic for free, so why anyone would sell a web pic to anyone who wants to use it online confuses me).

        1. PierAllegro profile image60
          PierAllegroposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          That's how Fotolia works. I think that as a  buyer you get copyrights you use the same pick  over and over. I'm not sure how that monitor illegal use of their stock. My other guess, concerning the alleged violation, is that I used a foreign title ... you see we're guessing and that shouldn't be the case.
          Thanks by the way for your replies.

    2. xriotdotbiz profile image57
      xriotdotbizposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree.  If links, Amazon, Ebay, feeds, etc are being overly promotional, why doesn't HP just eliminate those capsules?  I have one hub that is on its fourth resubmit.  On it I wound up eliminating everything but the text. No links, no amazon, nothing.  Its funny how I change one thing, submit, and then get back different or additional reasons that it is not in compliance after it being up for over a year.

      It frustrating to work hard to change a "substandard" or "unrelated links or products" hub, only to be told then there is a new issue plus you haven't resolved the old issue. It makes me wonder who their editor's are?  Are they native English speakers?

      1. profile image0
        Website Examinerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "...who their editors are" would be grammatically correct. I think the moderators are in command of the English language.

      2. Mutiny92 profile image66
        Mutiny92posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        The period of transition is always tough.  No one likes change.  I bet HP wishes that they did not HAVE to do this at all.  We all wish Panda would go away. 

        The results will hopefully follow (soon).  Already, a lot of bad-bad-bad hubs have been removed.

  9. mdlawyer profile image39
    mdlawyerposted 13 years ago

    It may take some more time for the dust to settle down.

  10. sofs profile image76
    sofsposted 13 years ago

    Would it help to report that my hub which was unpublished yesterday was back in a few hours after editing.. I have had four hubs unpublished so far and all have got published within a few hours or a couple of days smile
    It was delayed as the weekend came between the the unpublishing and publishing smile

    1. Rosie2010 profile image66
      Rosie2010posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      nice to know, sofs.

  11. mdlawyer profile image39
    mdlawyerposted 13 years ago

    That's a welcome sign.


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