by deb douglas 14 years ago
I Have a challenge for anyone who wants to join in. I am beginning it November 15, and will carry it through December 15, although through the holidays may make it harder than it would normally be. Here it is---The lower side of the forums main page, where it lists the topics, there are...
by Pro Design Source 14 years ago
I've been thinking about doing the 30 Hubs in 30 Days challange for a while. I'm gonna get it done before summer is over!! Today is day one - just published my 9th hub - Buy Cheap Storage Boxes OnlineI'm going to actually try to publish more than one a day for the first week. I've got the...
by JASON NICHOLS 13 years ago
As Shadesbreath challanged fellow hubbers in his "30 Minute Hub Challenge: ONE hub - 30 Minutes: Join the FUN...hurry!" I got inspired by this challange and created this challange.Hubbers who missed shadesbreath challange can take part in this challange. This challange is available for...
by rosika 11 years ago
36 weeks pregnant- due on 2nd of March, sister in law and brother in law coming to stay with us for a while from overseas. In the midst of all this, I am challanging myself to write atleast 10 hubs in the month of february, before I become too busy for anything.........Countdown begins from now!...
by saleheensblog 13 years ago
Yes, finally I am doing it though my exam is not over yet. Already three hubs in three days. I will write 30 amazon hubs within 11 February, 2011. Writing first 10-15 won't be a problem as all these will be in same niche but then I would have to stretch a little I think.
by Rebecca Furtado 10 years ago
Ok I have just started having fun with poetry. If it is not your genre give it a try. I wanted to stop writing rhyming poems. It is effortless to write such poems , but I am not sure how seriously they are taken by people who read poetry for substance. Anyway, a good way to practice writing...