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How to Write Article Titles for Maximum Money?

Updated on August 28, 2013
Learn how to write your article titles.
Learn how to write your article titles.

Hello friends, today I am going to share with you some advice on how to write article titles for making maximum money online. We will put emphasis on length describing benefits of long article titles by giving proper time to the title of your article and avoiding exclamatory words, avoiding slang, and emphasizing proper description of the title of your article. Now first of all, I ask you a simple question. “Is your article title long enough? What do you think of this? Some people think that if they will write small titles for their articles, they will attract more visitors to their articles. Regarding this, there are still some people who say yes, but I say no because the SEO trend has changed and short titles are producing less views per article versus long titles, so I suggest you to expand your article title by at least 35 percent in length. I guarantee good titles = more visitors will bring in more ad revenue and add money in your bank account.

Publish your articles and earn long-term residual income at hubpages.
Publish your articles and earn long-term residual income at hubpages.

Benefits of Long Titles

Long titles increase the reprint rate and value of your articles because narrower will be the focus, the more specialized will be your reprint article and more qualified reader will come to your article. This results in maximum return rate of overall traffic to your articles. For hubpagescom, your hub title can be up to 85 characters long. You have to just remember to make your hub title just a little longer than what you might feel comfortable with and you will in return see a dramatic increase in the traffic and visitors to your hubs. A good hub title length can be greater than 70 characters but less than 85 characters. Remember I have earned more than 10 lakhs INR at hupages in part-time in last 6 years.

Avoid exclamatory words like, "Don't Miss This" in your hub titles.
Avoid exclamatory words like, "Don't Miss This" in your hub titles.

Avoiding Exclamatory Words

Now the next questions come: "Does my article title uses clear and succinct wording?" I am able to express much at max 85 characters or not? Your article title should be a promising one and should provide to the point info in the content part, but some writers try to use exclamatory words like "This is a Must Read" and "Don't Miss This" or "This is Amazing Info, Read It". These types of words only induce annoyance for your visitor so it is better to not use these in your article title. If your article is a good one, you do not need these types of exclamatory words in the title. Just focus on the topic of your article. Also, some people tend to create article titles that extend over an irregular area or are rambled up which displays lack of respect for your visitor's time. Most visitors get annoyed of these article titles and don't bother to click the title to read the article due to annoyance and lack of interest.

Give proper time to writing article title - at least 20% of your time.
Give proper time to writing article title - at least 20% of your time.

Giving Proper Time To The Title Of Your Hub

Next point comes that many new article writers spend 99% of their time on the content of their articles and only give 1% of time to the hub article but they are not aware that they should put 20% of their time on the articles of their hubs and 80% of time on the content of their articles because title is the most important part of any article. A descriptive to the point title brings loads of visitors and a rambled and unclear title brings lower quality and quantity of traffic.

Avoid slangs in your hub titles.
Avoid slangs in your hub titles.

Avoiding Slang In Writing Titles

Some people tend to use slang words in their articles. This thing often backfires, especially when your reader has not grown up in the same country you have grown up and does not have the same life references as you have had. So be direct when writing for international websites like hubpages. Hubpages are visited by millions of people all the world from different countries so there is a lot of difference in their understanding and applying of English language. The slang words you use will be understood by only some people and not by everyone thereby inhibiting the traffic to your articles. You should write as if you are writing for the whole world. Write in simple English, in the title and content, that is understood by many and there will be lots of visitors and many returning visitors to your hubs. Also, an alert writer must be sensitive to cultural misunderstandings when choosing the title and content of his/her article.

Avoid cultural misunderstandings while writing.
Avoid cultural misunderstandings while writing.

Brevity Is The Main Key

Brevity, the quality of being brief in duration, is best for every writer. A writer should start with a long hub title with many attachments into his/her key topic. After doing this, think that how you will be tightening up the article title without losing your intended hub title promise. This advice on writing article titles will help you in increasing the overall quality traffic to your hubs and help you make maximum money online.

Use the above advice and drive quality traffic to your hubs.
Use the above advice and drive quality traffic to your hubs.

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