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All About Oren

Updated on November 18, 2020

This lens features various things about me.

What I decide to post here will probably change over time, so please check back - or make a request....


In October 2007, I took the "StrengthFinder 2.0" on-line assessment of my talents (from 34 they track/measure). I'm not sure how accurate, unique and/or meaningful the results really are, but here were my top five themes - and their definitions (according to them):

Strategic: able to quickly spot relevant patterns and issues and create alternative ways to proceed.

Ideation: able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.

Learner: have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve.

Input: have a craving to know more. Like to collect and archive all kinds of information.

Activator: can make things happen by turning thoughts into action. Often impatient.

Orenisms from my Pardesktop

Do you speak Orenese?

Sometimes I am orencing orenderful orenality; other times I am overly orensitive - and easily orended. Perhaps it is just my orensory orenzymes that are orenduring my orentity with my oreness.I do not mean to be orensive, but my orentation is sometimes orentainted. Maybe all I need is an orenomous orenberry orenwich to feel orenough - and orenewed to my orenitial orenship. Given my orensity to orentify with my orencient orenicity, it's not surprising that I tend to orensify things.

I've never been to the Pardestric of Orenzuela, but I am interested in orenowing more about orenticism. Beforen, there was no Orensmanship.

Even while unemploren and exploren, folkloren has always been thereforen.

I very much pardesire a shepardes as a copardes to share my prospardes - and be insepardes in our pardestry. Her prepardes to be a granpardes is not unpardes - and she need not whispardes about her pardesigns (on, for, or with me). Her love of my orenamentation may even repardes this fledgling orenzine into an e-zine in the O-zone.


Hydrogen may be the most common element in the universe, but Oxygen is clearly the most important (for life as we know it). Don't hold your breath if you think otherwise! Two Oxygen molecules and one Hydrogen molecule combine to make water (H20). Without water, there would also be no life (as we know it). Three Oxygen molecules together make ozone (O3).

Welcome to the O-zone (o-zine)!

Once, twice, three times the life potential as might be possible without at least one Oren in it.


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