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7 Habits that lead to unhappy life

Updated on February 13, 2024
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Asif has been a teacher in the past, now project manager working on multiple projects. Life is a great teacher. We always learn new things.

habits that make your life unhappy
habits that make your life unhappy

Everyone wishes to lead a happier life but not everyone is able to understand what happiness is. It is an inner feeling, which cannot be found outside. Unfortunately, people believe that wealth can buy happiness. That is why everyone is busing making money as much as possible. This is a big mistake on the part of those who wish to be happy.

Besides this, there are certain other habits, which lead to an unhappy life. These habits affect our lives very badly. Here are some of the habits that need to be avoided in order to attain happiness in life.

Keep thinking about the past and dreaming about future

To remain lost in the past and feeling sorry for the failures that you faced in the past could stop you from moving further in life. This includes failures, some bitter memories of the past and other complications that became the cause of those failures. We need to let bygones be bygones to further prosper in life. What is done in the past cannot be undone.

Similarly dreaming too much about the future without any proper planning is a wild goose chase. It leads to bitter situations when our expectations are not met because we did not plan for better outcomes. Past is gone and future is yet to come, we need to learn to live in this very present. What we do now will define our future.

Complicating things unnecessarily

Complex life has become a habit these days. Making life more complicated increases the sense of unhappiness, which is our own creation. Always keep things simple and try to make life as simple as possible by always learning and adopting new and healthy habits.

Desire to excel in everything

Happiness is not related to being a master of all trades. Nothing is perfect in life and no one is expert of every field of life. If this is the fact, we should not waste our time and energy trying to master every aspect. Every one of us has some unique trait, which is specific to every individual. Everyone needs to find out that trait and focus on grooming that instead of focusing on multiple things. Trying to excel in everything makes your condition very much pitiable. This affects the mind and ultimately results in lack of confidence when the desired results are not achieved.

Keep focusing on negative aspects of things

Focusing only on the negative aspect of everything ruins the happiness of life. There is always a positive side even in the worst-case scenario. We need to find and focus on that in complicated situations. It is always possible to change the gloomiest of situations with continued effort. Every one of us goes through difficult situations in life but it makes a big difference how we approach to come out of such situations.

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Comparing oneself to others

It is one of the worst habits to keep comparing oneself to others around you. We often compare ourselves in jobs, homes, relations, wealth, dress and many other things. As a result, we are upset when others succeed in life and we do not. This develops a feeling of jealousy among us for those people. This habit makes you 100 percent unhappy person. We need to understand that everyone is different and unique in its own place. We cannot be someone else. We are what we are.

Limited life activities

If you keep yourself lagging behind and do not live life to the full only fearing what others will think about you, this habit will limit your life to minimum of activities. There is no harm in trying new things. Everyone has the right to look different and this is the very basic rule of life. The nature is very much diverse. Unhappy people think that they know how other people think about them and what they expect from them. Therefore, if they try something new, others will not accept it. We have to spend our life as we like it not as others want it.

Obsessed by money making

Making money is not a bad thing but there are other things in life that are equally important. Unfortunately, most of us have become addicted to this bad habit. We only focus on making money all the time. We believe that money can buy us everything in life. In this endeavor, we forget that there certain relations in life that need to be paid attention to. Time spent with family on a weekend is priceless. We fail to realize the importance of such things in life. To come out of this mirage, we need to realize that money is not everything. Values and relations in life matter as well. We need to come out of the desire of wanting more all the time and find some time to enjoy the things we already have in life.

unhappy people
unhappy people

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