A Letter From Mars
A Letter From Mars
April Poetry Month Poem 17
Hello Earthlings,
I write, by chance this cordial letter
In hopes to get to know you better.
I saw you walking on the moon
And yearn for a visit from you
I'm firey red,
You'd think as a rule
That I'm hot, but I'm not
I'm really 'cool'.
Would somebody please
Be so kind hearted,
As to tell me how the story
Got started, That I
Send invasions of
Little green men
In flying machines
To capture your men?
I'm a little embarrassed
So I'd like to extend
A warm invitation
for us to be friends.
I'm smaller than Earth
With similar seasons
Please come and explore
And see the reasons
Why we are neighbors among
The great stars.
I'll make you feel welcome!
Classical Mythology: God of war, has two moons and is fourth planet from the sun. © adavis, guess series, 1990