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After the Pandemic

Updated on May 20, 2020
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Natasha is a freelance writer and journalist with experience in research which is how she got the information for this article

World's Worst Pandemics

Spanish Flu 1918
Spanish Flu 1918

The World's Worst Pandemics in History

Pandemics throughout history have led to major changes in healthcare, social and economic status and life in general.

The influenza pandemic in 1918, also known as the "Spanish flu" was the most deadly flu outbreak in history. It lasted for a year and killed over 50 million people.

Governments at that time also tried to make rules and find ways to stop the spread but like today, people were resistant and many tried to go without the mask.

Schools closed, work stopped and public places were taboo.

As it was during the time of the first world war, it spread quickly and governments enticed people to wear their masks, to protect the troops.

A second wave hit after a decline and when people became a little more relaxed, this devastated the world and became the worst pandemic in history.

The bubonic plague, cholera and smallpox was also among the worst and smallpox has been around for over 12000 years, taken 500 million lives.

HIV/AIDS has also been named a pandemic and it was first discovered in the Congo in 1976.

Since 1981, HIV has taken 36 million people and today there are over 35 million people living with the virus.

The flu pandemic of 1968 killed more than 1 million people and 500 000 of those were in Honk Kong. It spread rapidly and ended up travelling the world within three months.

2019 Pandemic stemmed from the Corona Virus and was named Covid 19. It began in a region of China named Wuhan.

It began as an epidemic in China but the rapid spread caused the virus to travel, making it a global pandemic and governments around the world declared national disasters and states of emergency.

The World Health Organisation declared the Covid 19 a global pandemic in March 2020 and by the end of that month more than 500 thousand people were infected and 36 000 people died.

In America, the rate of infection is spiking today with more than 2 million cases of infection and Italy was one of the hardest hit countries to have dealt with the virus, infecting 225 000 people and 31 908 deaths.

Globally 4,589,526 people have been infected up to the 18 May 2020 with 310,391 deaths recorded.

There is no cure for the virus and it is a respiratory virus that has flu like symptoms but attacks the lungs. People with underlying conditions have less chance of survival than others, although the virus has taken the lives of any age group.

Covid 19 Deep Cleaning and Protective Gear

Corona Virus Cleaning
Corona Virus Cleaning

Lockdown and Isolation Tactics

The world was in a panic and a state of emergency was declared globally. Economies around the world came to a grinding halt as people were required to stay inside their homes, not to leave unless for groceries or emergency visits to pharmacy's and doctors.

Countries around the world began planning for the economic downfall by ensuring that business and citizens would be taken care of.

Unfortunately that is not always as easy as it seems and those who are underprivileged, would not be able to get much to survive.

People around the world have gone through 5 stages or levels of lockdown, where each level has given more room to do business and given more freedom. Although in many countries the rate of infection has risen, whilst lockdown rules have eased, they continue to work and go into public, spreading virus, causing a higher rate of infection, which will inevitably give rise to a second wave of the virus.

Countries and governments have planned ahead for the spikes, working with scientists as they attempt to gain a vaccine.

The lockdown in each country has been very strict with South Africa, India, China, New Zealand, France, Italy, Poland and the U.K. ordering their citizens to stay indoors with very strict movement rules.

Each country has implemented their own lockdown or stay at home orders but in each country, people have protested against wearing masks and staying inside, saying that it is against their rights.

As the virus spreads so rapidly and has no cure, the governments have made good decisions to keep their citizens safe, even with protest.

Unfortunately the lockdown and stay at home orders have ruined most of the sectors, with people losing their business, becoming unemployed and children having to be educated via internet and cell phone calls with teachers or parents.


Americans in protest during a global pandemic 2020
Americans in protest during a global pandemic 2020

South Africa Lockdown Level 4

South Africa during exercise time frame in lockdown level 4
South Africa during exercise time frame in lockdown level 4 | Source
Italian army during lockdown 2020
Italian army during lockdown 2020

Learning From the Mistakes

As each country eases their restrictions in order to restart the economy, the virus remains out there, invisible and spreading.

Like the Spanish flu, a second wave is inevitable and with more and more people out, the risk of infection is higher.

So how do we move forward and beat this pandemic?

Without a vaccine we have very little chance in beating the virus as it circulates over and over again.

After lockdown levels, people tend to have a false sense of freedom, yes, wearing masks but acting like the virus is no longer around, moving around, shopping, looking for coffee, visiting friends and business's that are open don't really check each individual and their hygiene habits.

The world will only really fully be free of the virus in a year from the start, if a vaccine can be produced. One full year is a long time for the economy and people to wait and be cautious.

Time is money and money is running out, no country will be the same economically but they have each had their fair share of trials.

A few countries tested their people quickly and gathered information on who would be at risk and who would be safe to return to work, to save the economy.

There will a time when we can leave our masks behind and smell the fresh air.

Would we want our old world back? No, we have learned from this and we have all learned that healthcare is essential, school and education systems could be majorly improved and business would have to drastically alter policies after the pandemic.

Nobody wants to live in a place filled with pollution and perhaps companies who have been able to have staff work from home, could in the future allow them to work from home a few days a week to save money on resources and to prevent pollution.

Countries should look to cleaner energy to keep our pollution levels to a minimum, as we have all seen the effects of global warming and we have seen that a world without pollution makes a huge difference.

Building a far greater resilient economic system that protects every citizen in the event of a bad situation, would be a good idea as we have seen that today, a pandemic can devastate families with the lack of provisions when it comes to job loss.

Let us choose the right path and change life for the better
Let us choose the right path and change life for the better

A New World Begins

What does our future look like after the Pandemic?

The tech world will be a great force as they have thrived through the pandemic when every other sector has been at a loss.

Our window to the world has been on our cell phones and televisions, allowing us the freedom of knowledge and information. If we could use this correctly we could save money in business and we could prevent travel to work as flexibility would be an option.

Governments have been using technology to communicate with citizens as well as track their movements for the sake of the virus but this could be utilised in many different ways, taking away our private lives and using data for other purposes.

We are creatures of habit and there has been a break in normality, which might build resistance for people who have grown comfortable at home.

People have become more compassionate and have created stronger ties as they would with a war.

Perhaps they will realise the force of a united community can achieve many things as well as how we relate to others.

For many it has been a devastating nightmare that is continuous with abusive partners, alcoholics and poor relationships. Some of which would continue after the pandemic.

It is in these times, where we need to look to solutions for problems where shelter is a desperate need, not only for abusive relationships but for the homeless too.

Governments will need to stockpile protective gear, improve and create better hospital structures as well as train military and police in the event of a disaster reoccurring in the future.

Schools and educators, business and healthcare should be updated and innovative to cater for times when we are homebound.

A pandemic is an equalizer for each country as it forces people to rethink what has not worked in the past and to improve on everything for the future.

We should understand that this pandemic will be in the history books, just as the Spanish flu and world wars were, we cannot go back and we need to learn from this, in order to become great by protecting humanity and saving our planet.

The economy will rise and fall throughout history but people and our planet get only one chance and we urgently need a change.

This was a warning sign, reset button for change, for humans to learn to do the right thing.

Surviving the Pandemic

Many have lost their jobs, used up savings and have had debt creep up on them to a point of no return.

For some countries debt has occurred, promises made to other countries and new alliances have been formed.

Most of the countries have also not reached the peak or full brunt of the virus yet and when that occurs it could force people into another lockdown or stay at home order, which would break the already broken financially, devastating them completely.

People will lose their homes, cars and some even their lives but we will have to continue on for survival.

What we all need to understand is that this was a situation beyond our control and it might seem as though the world is coming down on you, it is not.

Finding solutions quickly will get you and your family back on your feet.

Declare bankruptcy if you just cannot afford it and it will save you a lot of stress and sleepless nights.

Start over and find a job, work from home or do whatever it takes to get you back to average until you can rebuild your lives.

A pandemic could reoccur and in that situation you would want to be prepared financially and mentally.

This a is a major event, a life changing one that has affected every single person in the world.

Survival for us is imperative and although this has been an emotionally draining situation because we have been in the dark, unaware of what is to come, we need to prepare our lives for the future and change what has not worked in the past to something solid for the future.

Should a devastation like this happen again, you need to have a backup plan.

Change the way you think and you will move forward quicker.

Pandemic 2020

What are you going to change in the future?

See results

Italians in Lockdown

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Natasha Pelati


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