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An Easy Guide to Days and Months in Spanish

Updated on July 3, 2011

An Easy Guide to Days and Months in Spanish

So far we have learned how to count, how to greet, how to pronounce and how to make very basic sentences. These skills will come in handy now in order to know how to state dates in Spanish. As you have probably imagined being able to know the months and days is extremely necessary. Without them you might ignore important dates like that once in a lifetime job interview, or maybe that date you were able to get with the Latin girl/guy. It is mandatory to know this in any language, and Spanish is not the exception. This is going to be easy because we already know the numbers in Spanish. Therefore we will only need to memorize 19 new words. As I mentioned many times before, if you already speak French, Italian or Portuguese this is going to be a piece of cake. Again, even if you don't speak any of those languages it is going to be easy to memorize. Let us have a look.

The Days of the Week in Spanish

*** Notice how all the weekdays end in 'es'. That's probably a good way to tell them apart from Saturday and Sunday.

Lunes. (Loo-ness) Monday.

Martes. (Marr-tess) Tuesday.

Miercoles. (Mee-err-koh-less) Wednesday.

Jueves. (Hoo-eh-vess) Thursday.

Viernes. (Vee-err-ness) Friday.

Sabado. (Sah-bah-doh) Saturday.

Domingo. (Doh-meen-goh) Sunday.

Let's suppose you are a bit groggy from jetlag and you want to ask what day is it. You will say something like:

- Que (what) dia (day) es (is) hoy (today)? (Keh dee-ah ezz oh-ee?) What day is it today?

- Hoy es (insert day). Today is ...

As you just have seen, it is very easy to ask and say the days of the week in Spanish. Let's try a different question.

- Que dia sera (will be) mañana (tomorrow)? (Keh dee-ah seh-rah mah-gna-nah?) What day will it be tomorrow?

- Mañana sera (insert day). Tomorrow it will be ...

Once again, let us a try a different question.

- Que dia fue (was) ayer (yesterday)? (Keh de-ah foo-eh ah-yer?) What day was it yesterday?

That is very straightforward. Let us have a look on how to say the months of the year in Spanish. This is going to be easier than the days of the week because some of them are very similar to English.

The Months of the Year in Spanish

Enero. (Eh-neh-roh) January

Febrero. (Feh-breh-roh) February

Marzo. (Marr-zoh) March

Abril. (Ah-breel) April

Mayo. (Mah-yoh) May

Junio. (Hoo-nee-oh) June

Julio. (Hoo-lee-oh) July

Agosto. (Ah-goss-toh) August

Septiembre. (Sepp-tee-ehm-breh) September

Octubre. (Oc-too-breh) October

Noviembre. (Noh-vee-ehm-breh) November

Diciembre. (Dee-see-ehm-breh) December

Let's see how to use this new information with a practical example:

- Cuando (when) es (is) Navidad (Christmas)? (Koo-ann-doh ess Nah-vee-dad?) When is Christmas?

Navidad es el 25 de Diciembre. Christmas in on December 25th.

- Cuando es tu cumpleaños (koom-pleh-ah-gnoss) (birthday)? When is your birthday?

Mi cumpleaños es el 10 de Mayo. Mi birthday is on the 10th of May.

This information, though really basic is greatly useful. You are now able to set dates in Spanish, and read calendars in Spanish. This has significantly enhanced your knowledge of the language. Setting dates is a very important feature for both business and pleasure.


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