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Ayn Rand Essay Contests for High School Students

Updated on May 12, 2018
Karen Hellier profile image

Karen Hellier is a freelance writer. She currently lives happily in the mountains of North Georgia with her husband and her dog.

Earn Money For College

Ayn Rand was an author who lived from 1905 till 1982. Born in Russia, she came to the United States in 1926, and from then on made the U.S. her home. Each year, the Ayn Rand Foundation holds and essay contest for middle school, high school, and college students. The contests are based on four of her most famous books, and there are a variety of prize levels. For anyone who has read these books and feels they have a pretty good understanding of what they are all about, entering these essay contests is a great way to earn money for college. The prizes are cash, though and do not have to be used for college.Unlike college scholarships, there is no need to win over a scholarship committee with merit qualifications, or financial need qualifications.The essay winners will be chosen by their understanding of the book and the answer the provide to the essay question. In the following paragraphs, I will outline each contest and the parameters of it.

For anyone who has read these books and feels they have a pretty good understanding of what they are all about, entering these essay contests is a great way to earn money for college. The prizes are cash, though, and do not have to be used for college.Unlike college scholarships, there is no need to win over a scholarship committee with merit qualifications, or financial need qualifications.The essay winners will be chosen by their understanding of the book and the answer they provide to the essay question. In the following paragraphs, I will outline each contest and the parameters of it.

Here are the general qualifications: Each book has a choice of three essay questions. One of these questions must be chosen and the completed essay can be sent in by mail or email but must include a cover page. All essays must be double-spaced. All essays are judged on style and content. The judges are looking for writing that is clear and concise and shows that the author can demonstrate an impressive understanding of the book.

Essay Contest based on the book, Anthem

Qualifications: Must be in the eighth, ninth or tenth grades. Deadline each year is in March. The essay must be between 600 and 1,200 words. Winners will be notified by the end of July that year.

One first prize: $2,000

Five second prizes: $500

Ten third prizes: $200

Forty-five finalists: $50

175 semifinalists: $30

Essay Contest based on the book We the Living

Qualifications: Must be in the tenth, eleventh or twelfth grades. Deadline is the end of April each year. The essay must be between 700 and 1,500 words. Winners will be notified by the end of July that year.

One first prize: $3,000

Five second prizes: $1,000

Five third prizes: $300

Twenty-five finalists: $50

Eighty semifinalists: $25

Essay contest based on the book The Fountainhead

Qualifications: Must be in the eleventh or twelfth grades. Deadline each year is at the end of April. Essay must be between 800 and 1,600 words. Winners will be notified by the end of July that year.

One first prize: $10,000

Five second prizes: $2,000

Ten third prizes: $1,000

Forty-five finalists: $100

175 semifinalists: $50

Essay contest based on the book Atlas Shrugged

Qualifications: Must be in the twelfth grade, a college undergraduate student, or a graduate student. Deadline each year is in mid-September.. Essay must be between 800 and 1,600 words. Winners will be notified by late November of that year.

One first prize: $10,000

Three second prizes: $2,000

Fuve third prizes: $1,000

Twenty-five finalists: $100

Fifty semifinalists: $50

A Brief History of Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand was originally born in Russia in 1905. An intelligent child, she taught herself to read at the age of six and decided she wanted her life's work to be fiction writing by age 9. During her high school years, she observed both the Kerensky and Bolshevik Revolutions.

To escape the fighting she moved with her family to the Crimea to finish high school. She studied history and philosophy at the University of Petrograd and graduated from there in 1924. She then developed an interest in screenwriting and studied that for one year.

She left the Soviet Union on what was supposed to be a short visit to relatives in America in 1925. But Ayn knew when she left that she would never return to the Soviet Union.

After visiting with her relatives for six months in Chicago, she left for Hollywood with the objective to become a screenwriter. She did write some screenplays eventually but her major claim to fame were her three novels, and her philosophy of "objectivism" which she has stated is a philosophy for living on Earth. She has been described as a champion of reason and individualism.

Google the Ayn Rand website to find the official application page and good luck!

© 2012 Karen Hellier


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