Black Holes - The most Amazing New Theory concerning our Universe.
Is our Cosmos one of Billions?
I have just watched the most amazing TV programme about the latest theories of Black Holes. A Black Hole is a point in space that until recently has only been theoretical,
this means that even though it has been observed by taking pictures of exploding stars
and surrounding galaxies, the only way to see it is to observe that fact that, where the stars used to be is now just a dark patch in space.
There have been many ideas about what this means, in fact Albert Einstein dismissed the fact out of hand and said it was not likely that there was anything like that, and at that point in time, the technology was such that it was impossible to argue with him.
Over the last few decades we have come a long way to being able to observe the stars and surroundings.
And what they have now found is amazing.
According to scientists, our Galaxy with the sun and planets, including Earth and Mars has at it's heart, a black hole.
What's more is the fact that not only has our Galaxy got one but they believe that each and every Galaxy that is observable from earth, and the one's beyond have each got a Black Hole at their centre.
What does this mean? Well the best explanation is that a Black Hole is a bit like a waterfall, if you stand on the edge of one you can see the water pouring down with immense power. This is what happens with a Black Hole.
Instead of water, it sucks the surrounding objects into it with immense gravity. Because the gravity is is so powerful everything can fall in but nothing can come out. Scientists call it the Event Horizon.
Now that scientists have discovered Black Holes in each Galaxy, the believe that the size of the Hole is Relative to the size of the Galaxy. i.e. if the Black hole was say, two miles across, the Galaxy around it is about the same. Obviously on a much larger scale.
At the centre of a Hole is something called the Singularity. This is the point at which the Gravity is so strong and dense that it becomes tinier and tinier so eventually it remains virtually as a single atom, in layman's terms. This is where Einstein and modern scientists begin to differ. I won't even try to explain the maths behind it because I, like you are not a physicist, but after all the calculations, the answer comes to the equation Infinity. Scientists cannot understand why. In other words 2 + 2 doesn't equal 4 at this point. But does it?
Let me take you to the Big Bang.
!4 billion years ago, our universe suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Some Scientist think it was a single atom that exploded, but where did it come from?
others say something called string theory which is a string of energy.
But what if it wasn't? What if somewhere there was another universe in another place called for example space 1.
If in that theoretical space there were numerous Black Holes, and at there point of Singularity instead of it disappearing into nothingness, it actually pushed through the fabric of space and time into our space as we now know it. A bit like a bicycle tyre when it puntures because of too much air in the tyre. Perhaps that is what happens in space, maybe it needs a Black Hole to relieve the pressure of Gravity. If it did push through the fabric of space and time, this would in theory result in our own Big Bang.
Now imagine if it does it a thousand times in space 1, and now in our universe in our Space?
Can you imagine how many Big Bangs this would produce?
Millions and millions of Space's and universes, branching out from each other, going on for ever, like a giant wheel, or a series of bubbles, each one reached through a Black Hole.
Maybe Einstein in his innocence was right.
Maybe his theory does equate Infinity.
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