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How To Speak Spanish Creative Tips

Updated on April 14, 2015

You Can Learn Spanish In School; in Books, with New Friends and Online

Common Spanish Phrases

American Spanish is the second most spoken language in the United States

There are so many reasons to learn Spanish. Studies show that nearly 40 million people over the age of 5 are currently speaking Spanish. The Spanish population is growing at a very fast pace and so are the people that are learning how to speak the language; this wonderful easy language must be learned if you want to keep up.

The Spanish language has many words similar to the English language that will help you get a small idea of what your hearing but until you familiarize yourself you may not be able to hear the similarity correctly.

Exam: attention vs attencion

This might seem like an overwhelming task because we have been taught in school to learn all about the verbs and conjugation and the like, but I suggest that you learn :

Important Spanish Phrases to Express Yourself

Learning these important Spanish phrases will instantly tell the native Spanish speaker you are not entering into a full blown Spanish conversation and will more patiently teach you what you need to know.

  1. How do you say that in Spanish? (point to object)
  2. Can you speak more slowly?

It is very important to be able to convey how you are feeling when in a Spanish speaking community. You never know what emergencies or discomforts arise.

  • Tengo hambre - I am hungry
  • Tengo sed - I am thirsty
  • Tengo frio - I am cold
  • Tengo calor - I am hot
  • Tengo miedo - I am afraid

There are some rules that distinguish the masculine words from the feminine words but don't get caught up with that now.

When you learn phrases you can use everyday you will more easily begin to understand the rules as time goes on, the same way wonderful shortcuts presents itself during your normal travel. The important thing about learning to speak Spanish is to embrace it and enjoy the journey.

More Spanish Phrases

masculine feminine

  • Estoy cansado or cansada (I'm tired)
  • Estoy enfermo or enferma (I am ill)
  • Estoy perdido or perdida (I am lost)

Learning Spanish Pronunciation

Have you ever noticed that you can hear some foreign languages and recognize what language it is? That is because you have already begun learning by association.You can become very familiar with Spanish pronunciation by watching Spanish on TV and listening to the dialect and emotional tones.

  • Find a show that seems interesting and turn on the closed caption to read the Spanish words.
  • Watch Spanish Sesame Street or other learning shows for children.
  • Read a Spanish/English dictionary.
  • Practice with a free online Spanish course.
  • Speak to Spanish speaking people every chance you get and allow them to help you with your pronunciation.

You can go to Spanish restaurants or Spanish communities to practice your new language. Don't be afraid to talk to people. The most that can happen is they become your teacher and correct you. Learning a new language such as Spanish will open your world up more than you know; after all almost 40 billion people around the United States are speaking Spanish daily.

Your Spanish pronunciation and Spanish word list will grow while you grow more fluent in this wonderful language. Learning how to speak Spanish to feel confident when you have to express yourself efficiently can also land you a job where being bilingual is important.

Good luck learning the Spanish language. You can do it, just like you learned the English language as a baby; through trail and error.


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