Do You Believe in doG? A Story of Adult Dyslexia
At Last I have a Reason!
When I was a teenager I was given a bunch of testing to see if I had dyslexia. The councilors at my high school were trying to explain my somewhat average grades despite testing in the 99th percentile on every standardized test I had ever taken. They just couldn't accept that I was lazy because I seemed to be interested in many subjects- I wasn't studying any of those, but I was interested. I actually never saw the result of the testing but at the time I figured they were just grasping at straws and that there wasn't anything to this dyslexia thing. But now I find that Adult Dyslexia is supposed to be a big thing now.
It can be difficult to determine whether someone has adult dyslexia because it can manifest itself in so many different ways and in various degrees. Its victims are often very intelligent and appear quite normal in most respects, except that they have trouble with reading and writing occasionally. To the extreme degree it can be debilitating and prevent the victim from carrying on a normal day-to-day life without assistance. Many people such as myself are diagnosed as children and never come to understand the affliction. The methods of treating it are just as obscure and mostly deal in special teaching and training methods.
Some of the symptoms of dyslexia include a confusion in the interpretation of words and letters, difficulty in reading, a difficulty in understanding rapid vocalization and remembering sequences. It is quite usual to perceive letters in an interchanged sequence, and seeing words like saw as was. There is often a difficulty in sounding out new words. They're also a variety of additional symptoms which include associating words with the wrong meaning, having trouble keeping time and organizing their lives.
There are wide variety of tests used to determine whether or not a person has dislexia which include evaluating the family's medical history and performing a variety of tests including vision and hearing and neurological tests which might detect some other cause for the difficulties. The tests have come to include modern technology in assisting the detection such as magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) and positron emission tomography(PET).
It has been determined that about 15% of the population has adult dyslexia, and the list includes an array of some of our most brilliant and creative minds. Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Jay Leno, Whoopi Goldberg, Tom Cruise, Ozzy Osbourne, Guy Ritchie, Cher, Anthony Hopkins, And Anderson Cooper have all been diagnosed with dyslexia. Still they managed to make valuable contributions to the world we live in.
I do in fact have many of the symptoms of dyslexia and maybe it has made life more difficult, but it has never stopped me perhaps until now. Well now I have an excuse if I don't do 30 hubs in 30 days, so I feel better because it is not my fault.