Donald Trump on energy: the future and what it prospects
"Until we get this country's lifeblood--oil--back down to reasonable rates, America's economy will continue to slump, jobs won't get created, and American consumers will face ever-increasing prices." This quotation from Donald J. Trump 2011 book Time to get tough explains the basic of what his energy policy will be.
There are several factors that can make you think energy is not going to be among the most relevant issues for the president's elections. Prime, oil price has gone down. The continuous agitations in Libia and Siria haven't impacted enough, nor did the rise of Isis. America has become rather more prouctive than Russia and China. So what are the innovations by Donald Trump for the years alongside?
Of course nuclear energy is a questionable subject.
- Beginning in the late 1990s, US government policy and funding decisions have encouraged the development of greater civilian nuclear capacity.
- The commitment to nuclear power as part of the USA's long-term energy strategy continues, but there has been a reduction in some nuclear programs as a result of greater emphasis on alternative sources of energy.
- The disposal and storage of high-level nuclear waste remains a major unresolved issue.
- Over the last 30 years public opinion has steadily grown more positive towards nuclear energy.
Since 1961 there have been 19 global accidents due to nuclear energy provocking 15,9 million dollars property damage. 12 of them occurred in the United States.
Consider now the laps and fallouts for each clean energy source: wind power is not constant in time. Solar power is dependent from the night-and-day effect. As we saw, nuclear power creates toxic scores that are so difficult to store.
In order to reduce the impact and danger of nuclear energy a technology that is clean and lacks pernicious rubbles has to be implemented.
Geothermal energy can enter among the most used sources of energy and that probably is going to be the point Donald J. Trump is going to take into account. The reason is geothermal energy is stable in time and it's active night and day. It produces no smoke no smog no dirt no gases. Every vapour flows from the earth with no fire and actually geothermal energy is the most stable among energy sources with its characteristics.