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Don't Rock the Boat, Turn the Boat Over.

Updated on May 11, 2015
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Find Your Inner Pirate, Flip the Boat Over

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Courtesy of - permission pending | Source
Courtesy of - permission pending
Courtesy of - permission pending | Source

Where Did You Get The Notion?

Until yesterday, I had not seen any of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Hopefully, I can create this scene. If you have not seen Pirates of the Caribbean , perhaps my psychedelic meandering of description, will nudge you to watch the movie (at least to get this visual).

Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End . I came in when Captain Jack Sparrow, is waking up in the desert. He is on the deck of his Pirate Ship. It is hard to distinguish what is hallucination, dream or thought. Is he dead? Is he nearly dead? As he walks around the deck, he is seeing doppelgangers of himself. He spars with some, then kills most of them. Then...

Captain Jack is face down in the sand. Off the ship. He is up, he is down. A round rock moves in the sand.. He gets up, picks the giant aspirin tablet looking rock up. After tasting it, he throws it to the ground. In a bit, the round rock becomes a crab. The crab beacons to or morphs into many other crabs. The rock/crabs become a unit. Together, they crab-walk the ship back to shore.

Finally, the scene has changed from desert to an Ocean shore. There is a fairly large group of people. Are they real? Are they more hallucinations? These people look like his crew, but with all the other-worldliness going on, he assumes they are adversarial spirits.

As a viewer, I am caught up in this fantastical movement and series of events. Captain Jack thinks he is dead. It takes a lot of sparring with words and identifiers for Sparrow to consider that his Crew and First Mate might be real and alive.

Finally, the first mate convinces Captain Sparrow they are in Davy Jones Locker .

West Coast, No Oil Sheen, But...

This is the Lost Coast of California, no oil spills here, but what cannot be seen is the radioactive juice
This is the Lost Coast of California, no oil spills here, but what cannot be seen is the radioactive juice | Source

Davey Jones Locker

Davey Jones Locker is well known by sea-persons. The Locker, is a dimension where souls claimed by the sea, or devoured by the Kraken go. It is sometimes a term describing the very bottom of the ocean. People imprisoned there are technically not dead and cannot die,

Back on the Ship, the Crew sails out to the sea. As a worthy Pirate, Captain Sparrow knows that while he is in Davey Jones' Locker he and his Crew are prisoners for eternity. If they do not escape, they will be cursed forever as a Ghost Ship.

Rock the Boat - YouTube

After Several Ethereal Battles with the Undead of Davey Jones Locker

After several ethereal battles with the undead, and other ghost Pirates. Captain Sparrow gets a notion . He begins to run, back and forth, port to port. Several deck hands, follow their leader.

They join Captain Jack.

Bystanders, proclaim, "He's Rocking the Boat!"

At that point all but the two guys who are tied to the mast, join in the back and forth,rocking the ship. Until it happens, the viewer cannot know that Jack Sparrow has been running to get enough Energy, to make the Pirate Ship perform a complete 360 degree turn.

At this point, the song, Rock the Boat by Hues Corporation, started in my head. I tracked down the lyrics. This is a song about keeping love the same. In this song, if the lovers do not continue life, lips and hearts locked; looking goofy into each other's eyes for all of eternity, they are Rocking the Boat of their love. Many love songs of this era, did not allow for change and growth of individuals, or even a unit. That old way of thinking is stagnation, unrealistic, and unhealthy . In the song, he chides her, for breaking out of the forever andnot, staying just like this. He is singing that her desire for change, is a notion to rock the boat.

This movie was surreal, and dream-like. I understand there is a method to the madness . There are a sequence of scenes where they capsize this huge Pirate Vessel , and because of the force of the Energy exerted, are Upside down and then...wait...suddenly, with a Loud Pop, the Ship turns right side up! Miraculously, they have escaped Davey Jones Locker!

We Float in the Death Grip of Energy Providers

In this universe; truth is stranger than fiction . Like Jack Sparrow, In order to break out of an eternity doomed to be a haint, enslaved by a relentless taskmaster, we as consumers and users of resources must "rock the boat".

Captain Jack, only had Human generated energy, powered by an idea, to flip an entire Pirate Ship over. The greatest action of the entire story, was achieved with the least violence of the entire movie.

It did work. Where did he get the notion? Obviously, humans are given moments of genius, great inspiration or what some call; "notions". If Jack Sparrow had been one for conformity, he and his crew, would be unattached souls, sailing on the run from every enemy. Instead, this idea comes to him...lets pop this sucker out of here, lets break free from the toe-hold of Kraken and his Locker. It worked.

This is a parallel to our world today, and the our U.S. Energy policies. We have floated in the death grip of energy providers who have become more powerful than our Government.We can keep floating through this half-dead world, watching the Oceans turn into freak shows, or we can do something new. If Jack would have acted like the modern consumer or conglomerate, there would have been Roberts Rules of Order. A motion, a vote, meeting after useless meeting. There may possibly have been a consensus of his notion. But, the entire miracle would have been lost. The momentum would have been Lost . It would have been shelved or flitted around to obscurity. Sparrow and his crew, would have remained in Davey Jones world of half-death.

Thankfully, he is a Pirate. They may get a bad rap in many places, but they are also heroes. Brave actions, with no violence can change the universe. We need that now.

The Clean Energy Bill is dead in the Water of the Halls of Congress. A Kraken-like, half-death, Rules the U.S. Congress. For a couple of centuries, Industry has operated dirty . They have had no regard for resources, nor the provider of the resources. Energy Concerns eat at the Rule making tables, and we are living the carcasses, bones and debris they leave behind.

I Hope that we join together, and break out of this half-living / half-dying world.

Lets turn the Ship, called, The Way It Has Always Been, over. On the flip side, we have a new chance and new choices. We will no longer be ruled by a Davey Jones Locker of Coal, Gas and Oil Economies, it will be a green Economy . There can be a prosperity of value and healthy living for every human.

Get a notion. Let's flip this thing, and sail for our new, clean energy world.

Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End

The Gulf Coast of NOLO

© 2010 Lori J Latimer


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