Drinkable Water: Survival During a Collapse
Drinkable Water is a MUST for Survival
Could the electrical Grid collapse? What happens when there is no electricity?
HOW MUCH IS YOUR LIFE WORTH? You can not drink gold, dollars, money, property or wealth. You have to have water and food to survive and when there is NO drinkable water and eatable food, these things that meant a successful living would mean certain death if there was no water to be had. Before a disaster happens is when people need to be prepared!!!
You must have drinkable water to survive ! You can only live about 3 days without water ! This means that if the electrical grid goes down for any reason, your survival lies in the hands of man to restore the electrical power or grid. For those lucky enough to be near a spring, creek or well, the search is not as difficult to obtain drinkable safe water. For those in large cities, populated areas and areas where water is scarce, the problem will be life threatening.
High rise and sky scrapers that can house thousands of people will one of the most difficult places to live in the event of an electrical grid or electrical power outage because all the life's provisions are produced by electricity. The air, the transportation, the water, the sewer, the lights, the heat, the cooling and the food are all provided by electricity. Life becomes very difficult very quickly without the provision of electricity.
Even if there are rivers and streams nearby the large cities and towns, without electricity, the rivers and streams would be transformed into open sewers, harboring billions of bacteria and colonies of viruses, that would quickly spread disease. Without electricity, the sewer treatment plants would cease to operate, causing raw untreated waste from homes, businesses and factories to spew into the open waters. This would include chemical, medical, human, animal and agricultural wastes.
Being without electricity, the sewage treatment plants would shut down and being that the water runs downhill with gravity, the raw sewage would continue to pour untreated into the creeks, rivers and lakes. The bacteria that causes disease would quickly populate the water sources and would spread disease, sickness and water borne pathogens.
Getting Water to Survive
There are many places that you can find clear water, but would still require some type of filtration, heat or chemical preparation before drinking. Hot water heaters, water beds and toilet reservoirs can hold enough water to live on for some time or enough for escape out of the city.
Some of the rooftops collect pools of water, the down spouts drip almost all the time, the birdbaths, the swimming pools, ice, snow, springs, creeks and rivers are sources of water, but not all the time safe to drink. Some vegetables contain lots of water like bananas and tomatoes that could be used to obtain the necessary requirement of water to survive. For an average person, it will take about one gallon of water per person per day just to survive. This does not include water for washing, brushing teeth or for bathing. One gallon per day for each person is the bare minimum that is required for a person's survival.
If you have no electricity and no bottled water that was prepared or sanitized previously, precautions must be taken when drinking of an unknown water source. Even when the water still flows through the water system's pipes, it may not be safe enough to drink without boiling, chlorine. chemicals, UV light or filtration. Being without electricity is one thing, but when there is no electricity and people get sick from eating or drinking contaminated substances, the circumstances can turn disastrous and deadly very quickly.
Water recovered from snow, rainwater, runoff, creeks, rivers, lakes or sources from inside the home, should be boiled, treated with chemicals or sanitized in some manner and filtered to eliminate bacteria, reduce chemicals and to deactivate viruses. Failure to do so can lead to dysentery or extreme sickness.
Fresh water springs and wells are usually safe choices for water, but not always. There are many underground water sources that have been contaminated with chemicals, agricultural run off, raw sewage infiltration and radiation.
It is and will be very important to have some type of water filtration unit and some chemical treatment tablet for the sanitation of water. This is very important !!! Remember, without water, you die very soon. You can only live about 3 days without water !!
In a skyscraper, pumps have to pump the water to the upper floors. Without electricity, the electric pumps will not work, therefore, there will be no water to any floor past about the second or third floor and then, even these will stop flowing in a very short period. Think of this. There will be NO water, no sewage, no trash pick up, no ventilation, no heat, no air condition, no cooking, no electric lights, no TV and no at home services.
The first day of an electrical grid collapse might be OK for survival, but when items start to run out, especially food and water, emotions and tensions will start wearing on everyone. Massive runs on the banks will try to happen, but since almost all money is electronic and invisible, there will be nothing to take. The food banks will quickly be depleted, the food markets and supermarkets will be swept clean by looters, by people wanting to survive and the gangs. Even though the whole city will be in pitch blackness at night, there will be fires, hooting and yelling, screaming, and civil unrest. People will search for water sources, food and weapons, taking what they must to survive.