Earthquake Storm
Increasing earthquakes world wide are a sign of deep seated changes
If one follows the news concerning earthquake activity, they can't help but notice that they have been escalating over the last few years. Since records started being kept form 1973 and on, 2010 turns out to be the most earthquake intense year on record with the most earthquakes of Richter 7 or more than any other year. Further, some have occurred in clusters of two or more with plenty of aftershocks. There is a very simple reason for this and it is linked to changes inside the earth. We have an earthquake storm unfolding in our midst, but this is only the beginning of far greater and wider changes.
The fact of the ongoing geomagnetic reversal is based on events going on at the center of the earth and overlaying regions. The swift changes going on with heat exchange is causing shifts of on the earths surface with dramatic results. Those who are attuned to such things, are aware that there is a dramatic speed up of tectonic separation occurring in Africa. Nearby in the Read Sea, a volcano on an island is erupting after being extinct for as long as the historical record extends into the past. In one of the most volcanically active regions in the earth in Asia Minor, a new Island rose out of the sea virtually overnight.
Then there are the confused bird migrations and strange animal occurrences going on world wide. Though many will say that this is conjecture, or the result of man made activity, many reputable people are reporting strange goings on all over the world. Some have made it into the news. A recent event in Florida caused air traffic to shut down a Florida airport due to chaotic geomagnetic fluctuations. We can expect more of the same, but that is not all. The changes going on for thousands of miles below our feet will have long term dramatic effects that are hinted at in the foregoing. In some regions, tectonic changes will speed up as in Africa, elsewhere it will stall and in others, instead of subduction, a reversal will cause effects like the collapse of hills, mountains and the sinking of some land masses as others rise up. The earth is currently undergoing a quickening pace of massive change. One of the signs is the increase of earthquakes and earthquake storms or clusters. Though we cannot say with absolute certainty just how things will turn out, there are distinct possibilities.
If the subduction of the Pacific tectonic plate on the west coast of the US reverses, pulling out instead of what has been the norm until now, then instead of pushing up the coast mountains, the pulling apart will still cause earthquakes, but also cause land collapse and tsunamis associated with that instead of piling up mountains and volcanic activity. What we have for the long term, is the piecemeal and often forecast collapse of California into the sea. Japan might suffer a similar fate, but in both cases, it is too early to say with certainty. This is the hypothetical case if events going on inside the earth continue to have seemingly unpredictable results.
An alternate idea that is suggested is earthquakes caused due to global warming, glacial meltdown and redistribution of mass on the surface of the earth, mainly in the form of water and reduced ice. This would certainly account for some of the activity, but not all of it. Melting ice does not cause geomagnetic reversal!
In other regions, active volcanoes will ether go extinct, or become more active and long extinct ones will suddenly spring to life. During this transitional period, we can continue to expect sudden and unexpected changes, which will prove to be very disruptive.
Start of a new island
A new island in the middle of the Pacific
An unserwater volcano
Understanding Geomagnetic Reversal
- Geomagnetic Reversal and its Effects
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