Earthquake Weather Report for May-June 2014
If you checked with the USGS' on-line database for May 2014, you would have found things to be a bit more active than usual However, if you checked with the GEOFON Extended Virtual Network in Germany, the same month appeared to have one fewer 6.5 magnitude or larger earthquakes than usual (6 instead of 4 for the former and 3 instead of 4 for the later).
This is not because that last source skipped some earthquakes; rather they tend to be a bit more conservative in their determinations. They often have estimates that are 1/10th or 2/10ths of a magnitude less than the USGS estimates. One recent earthquake, of an event that occurred south of the Fiji Islands, was recorded as 6.2 magnitude by GEOFON and as 6.6 magnitude by the USGS. Both agree that there was only one quake of 6.8 or larger for that month however. The average number for quakes of that size lately are two per month.
In one of my recent hubs I implicated that June should be a month, as is often the case for that month, with fewer than usual earthquakes of significant size. I am at this point reversing my earlier assessment, due to some new findings that are displayed in the second graphic below.
As a result of the discovery of new planetary aspects that relate to earthquakes of 8.0 or larger in magnitude (due to research using a recent database of 88 such events that also fell within my astro-aspect value defined windows; that data set now totals 103 events), June looks like it will be busier than I had earlier anticipated.
Even though the peak levels of the windows in June are generally smaller than they were in May, there are more of them, along with many spikes related to past solar eclipses that could potentially indicate the manifestation of significant events.
As an example of an aspect that I recently included for the first time in June 2014, we turn to one small window occurring on the 3rd of the month. Recently it was discovered that it is not uncommon for the planet Pluto to be nearly opposed to the midpoint of the angle between the sun and moon at the time of earthquakes of 8.0 magnitude or larger. A nearly perfect version of this configuration named the Finger of God or Yod formation occurs on June 3rd, 2014. What defines this specific pattern is to have the sun and moon separated by 60 degrees while Pluto forms a 150 degree aspect to each (and also opposite their midpoint).
Ideally, my windows are defined by more than one group of aspects but this one was so perfect that I had to feature it here. Its peak is displayed on the graphic below with a wider influence than it really has. It will last approximately ten hours due to the moon's fast transit time, but I feel that this small window is an exception that needs to stand out.
An example of a textbook case of an earthquake chart that includes many integrated planetary aspects which create a complex and dynamic configuration is shown in the chart below. In it is included an example of Pluto opposite the midpoints of the sun and moon. At the time of this earthquake the two luminaries were a bit more than 5 degrees from being in direct opposition to each other or in a full moon which became exact a little over 9 hours later. More importantly, the moon was at a near perfect opposition to the planet Mercury at the time of this earthquake. This last aspect (as well as the Pluto opposite the sun moon midpoint) happens five times more frequently than a near perfect full moon does (at the times of 8.0 magnitude or larger events). The one occurrence of the later was at the time of the Great Alaskan or Good Friday earthquake of March 27, 1964 (which reached a magnitude of 9.25).
Getting back to June and what it entails seismically, it may start off with a bang on the 3rd due to the Yod configuration. Perhaps more likely, it will wait until on or about the 9th through the 11th of the month. As was decided in another recent hub on earthquakes, I will no longer be including earthquakes of 6.5 to 6.7 magnitude as possible significant events in my forecasts. I have determined that quakes within that range are random more often then not and to include them would water down the results of my findings. So instead of considering events of 6.5 magnitude and greater that average 4 per month, I will be looking at only those quakes of 6.8 magnitude or greater that occur 2 times a month on average.
It has been determined from my recent research that during times of greater than usual seismic activity, astrology becomes more of a factor at mirroring events of lower magnitude than usual. However, it now looks like the bar should be lowered to no less than the 6.8 magnitude level.
As if to confirm this conclusion, when looking at the USGS data for May 2014, all but the last of the 5 events in the 6.5 to 6.7 magnitude range fell outside of my designated windows. The lone earthquake above 6.8 magnitude also occurred inside a window (at the largest peak of any window in the month based on my most recent algorithms).
Before moving on to the forecast for June, I wish to spell out how I intend to present future installments of my "Earthquake Weather Report". In the past I would scramble near the end of each month to get out a new version as early into the projected month as possible. What I plan to do in the future is to post my forecasts near the middle of each month and review the month before and forecast the month ahead (the month that the report is posted in will not be reviewed until the next installment).
This will allow me to make any corrections before the projected month and to make graphic displays from data of the previous month without being under intense pressure to do so. It will also make life a much more enjoyable experience for me and aid in the prevention of near certain burn-out at some point along the way.
In my soon to be presented forecast for June 2014, I wish to point out that my algorithms were recently updated so that they should give a more complete picture of the timing of 6.8 magnitude or greater events. Also, the potential locations given below were determined from eclipse data. In other words, when an eclipse peak occurs during or just prior to an astro-aspect window, the eclipse for the associated peak is identified and then a map of the eclipse path is referred to and locations near its shadow are listed for that window. This should be a much more reliable method for determining locations than had been used in the past.
Below are the window dates, peaks, and possible locations for potential earthquakes of 6.8 magnitude or greater in the month of June 2014:
2014-06/03, 0700UT (peak centered on a 10 hour wide window). Possible locations: China, Japan, Aleutians, western U.S., Bahamas, Bermuda, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, etc.
2014-06/08, 1800UT to 2014-06/12, 0000UT. Peaks: 6/10, 0000UT. Possible locations: China, Japan, Aleutians, western U.S., Papua New Guinea and/or the islands east of there.
2014-06/12, 1200UT to 2014-06/17, 1800UT. Three Peaks at: 6/12, 1800UT; 6/14, 1800UT; and 6/17, 0000UT. Possible locations for 1st and 2nd peaks: Papua New Guinea and/or the islands east of there. Possible locations for 3rd peak: Bahamas, Bermuda, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, etc.
2014-06/22, 0400UT to 2014-06/23, 0000UT. Peaks at: 6/22, 1200UT. Possible locations: Bahamas, etc. (same as last group of locations given above).
2014-06/23, 2000UT to 2014-06/27, 2000UT. Three peaks at: 6/24, 0000UT; 6/25, 0000UT; 6/27, 0600UT. Possible locations for all peaks: Papua New Guinea and islands east of there. Extra locations for 1st peak: northern New Zealand and/or the islands north of there. Extra locations for 2nd peak: China, Japan, Aleutians, western U.S.
2014-06/28, 1100UT (peak centered on a 10 hour wide window). Possible locations: Bahamas, etc. (same as given for 2014-06/22) plus Papua New Guinea and/or the islands east of there.
2014-06/30, 0800UT to 2014-07/01, 0000UT. Peaks at: 6/30, 1800UT. Possible locations: Bahamas, etc. (see 2014-06/22).
Note: windows occupy 49.44% of total time in month of June 2014.
© 2014 Joseph Ritrovato