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Event Management as a Career

Updated on July 24, 2020
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I have a great interest in organizing functions and to do a event management is my dream.

In India, festivals and events are an integral part of our society and culture. These events unite our friends and family. Every event from 1st birthday celebration to marriage is auspicious to every living being participating in it.

Every event we celebrate requires huge planning and preparation. Efforts which are laid by family and other concerned people aim towards giving their best shot so it doesn’t stumble on a moment. Events aren't just an exclusive part of family gatherings. Annual functions in colleges and schools, annual meetings at the workplace, exhibitions, fashion shows and many more which are held on a small or a large scale, are also a part of this genre. Nowadays, big events like marriage or social gathering are not feasible to be done by the host of that particular event. These events are handled or organized by professionals called event managers. They are trained to organize and take part in the following event to discern that everything from lighting to flower decoration is as per the expectation and guidelines of the client.

Event management as a career.

Managing or organizing an event is not a piece of cake as it requires a lot of creative thinking and planning to make that single event inch-perfect. Every employee working wants their client to feel a minute where life is just right and magic exists. The joy of our customers face gives us a rare feeling of believing in our jobs. Event management requires creative and meticulous planning. A person who has the ability to build a human relationship with the client and have management and marketing skills.

Skills required by the event manager.

In addition to being a creative or meticulous planer. One should have the following skills set to be an event manager:


-Building human relation skill.


-Time management.

-marketing skills.

-A high level of attention to detail.

Advantages of choosing event management as a career.

Event managing does give both fame and money. Becoming a manager gives a lot of exposure and experience to one. The benefits of being an event manager are numerous in nature. Here are the top eight reasons which will give you the answer to the question of why you should choose event management as a career.

1. Event management is a real job.

Being an event manager means executing a set of tasks on a real venue and site on which event has to be performed. This is not a job in an office where you have to work 9-5 in front of a laptop. This job will give you knowledge about the real world by working hard to get the client satisfied. This job requires traveling to a different place to do work there.

2.Distinctive work environment.

As an event manager, you will face the same situation on regular basis. Every day you will see a different location, different people, and different demands. This makes the nature of the job unlike the other ones. You will gain different skills by every different project in hand. Challenges in this job will never bore you. Every project is full of surprises and new opportunities.

3. Gain expertise in strategizing tactics.

Great event planners imagine the big picture and execute through the details. Most events start with an idea, vision, or a goal. Your job as an event planner is to take that idea and make it a reality. On-time and on budget. This job also improves your negotiation skills with clients.

4.Building your confidence. Event management training helps in developing personality and confidence in an individual. It helps you in identifying your strengths and weaknesses, and how to overcome them.

Alpha Institute of finesse

An institute that aims in producing highly trained and skilled professionals in the field of Events and Entertainment. We offer various certified courses in the field of event management.


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