General knowledge of science
General knowledge related to scinece
At is meant by black lead?
→Henry kavindas
What is meaning of H.B. written in pencil?
→Hard and Black
Which is the brightest star?
→Dog star
Which gas is in Refrigerator?
Who is known as father of electricity?
What is said to the hole of moon?
What is said to that person who is moving while sleeping?
The smallest bone of human body is stapes, than which is the biggest one
What is the full form of Aids?
→Acquired Immune deficiency syndrome
Which blood group is known as Universal donear?
→Group 'O'
The front part of tongue is verifying sweet taste, than last part is verifying which taste?
Which gas is used for cooking fruits?
Which chemical is there in Negative of photographs?
→Silver Bromide.
Due to what milk is white?
Which part of sun is seeing from earth?
Which planet is called green?
Vehicle is throwing which gas?
Which gas is known as inflammable air?
Which device gives the information that driver has drunken or not?
→Breath analyzer
In Latin language which liquid is known as heavy water
In ozone gas how many oxygen atoms are there?
→three (o3)
Malaria is caused by which insects?
→Female Anopheles mosquito
The outer part of snail is made by what?
→calcium carbonate
Which insects are transferring many diseases?
→House fly
Respiration is being in which part of our body?
How much percentage of our body is water?
Which things transfer the heredity character of parents to their children?
→gene, made of DNA
Who invented dianemo?
→ Mikel pharade
Who invented calculator?
Who invented AC?
→Bilis H. carier, America
Who invented Cycle?
→Mac millan, Scotland, 1842
Who invented cinema scope?
→Henry chatrin, France, 1931
Who invented diesel Engine?
→Rudolf diesel, Germany 1895
Who invented Dynamite?
→Alfreda barn hart Nobel, Sweden 1962
Who invented Reflective telescope?
→Newton, Britain 1688
Who invented Washing Machine?
→Charles stone, America 1884
Who invented F.M.?
→Admin Armstrong.
Who invented Electric generator?
→Michal Parade, England 1831
Who invented fountain pen?
→Waterman, America 1884
Who invented steam Engine?
→James watt, Scotland 1765
Who invented Telephone?
→Alexander Graham bell, America 1876
Who invented Thermometer?
→Galileo Galileo, Italy, 1593
Who invented Parachute?
Who invented Television (Mechanical)?
→J.L.bayrd, England 1923
Who invented x-ray machine?
→Wilhelm Conrad reagent, Germany1895
Who invented Printing press?
→Gutenberg, Germany1450
Who invented Photograph?
→Lui denur, France1833
Who invented Movie Projector?
→Thomas Alba Addison, America
Who invented Machine gun?
→R. gelling, America 1861
Who invented Kodak film?
→jerge east men, America 1884
Who invented Helicopter?
→Break bet in 1905