Google Classroom
No paper = environment freindly
Google classroom is a modern learning platform that aims at creating and giving assignments to students in an easy way by avoid paperwork and also promoting effective communication between learners, teachers and school administrators. It’s a new technology in the education system which has yielded tangible results since its introduction.
The New Technology
This technology has made learning easy and enjoyable for both learners and teachers as they don’t have to carry papers for learning to take place. Google classroom has been embraced by a good number of learners and teachers because of the following reasons;
First it is time saving, this is because it helps teachers create, organize and distribute assignments quickly to the learners without having to go to the class, on the other hand students can easily complete their assignments and communicate directly with their teachers and other learners in case they need any clarification.
Secondly, it provides immediate feedback, once the students have started tackling the assignment the teacher can monitor the progress of each students where he/she can make comments and guide the learner in case he/she is going wrong. Once the student is through, the teacher can grade the assignment and send to the students with comments for revision.
In addition it promotes effective communication, teachers can post announcements which will be viewed by all the students who later can comment, students can also post questions where fellow learners will provide also enables quick discussions between teacher and students and also between students promoting two way communication.
It also helps teachers keep track of his/her learners, once teachers have posted the assignments they can be able to see who has not completed the assignment in order to keep all the learners at the same level to ensure that no one is left behind in terms of syllabus coverage.
it is cost effective and secure, this services is provided free of charge for the schools with an aim of improving education sector and attracting more learners and this has yielded positive results in the education system. In addition the system ensures security of the content that is posted such that it can only be viewed by the members and the content can never be used for advertisement.
Lastly it is easy to use, teachers can easily add their students or can opt to share code with class members to join. Any student with Google application is able to use the service easily as it is easy to operate.
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What Can I Do with Google Classroom?
Every school should adapt this solution, the amount of ways it can help teachers and students alike are countless. Some examples of the what teachers can do with this technology are:
1- Sharing Resources
2- Simplify the Turn In Process
3- Reduce Cheating
4- Feedback Before Students Submit
5- Display Student Work
6- Target Parent Phone Calls
7- Distribute Notes
8- View Assignments
9- Virtual Office Hours
10- Observe Another Classroom