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Guess Poem - Anatomy

Updated on January 12, 2012

A Science project

My son was in the 7th grade and some of the students were having a problem learning the human anatomy. I thought a guess poem might create a little interest. It did, and everybody made an A. It was fun.

Meet Cy, Mi, and Ri

I am one basic unit

Round like a ring

Constantly working

In all living things

A liquid substance

Inside of me

Has many small sections

That you can't see

Their names are not common

Like Jane or Bob

Each highly trained

For one special job

They never stop working

In times of strife

In fact, they work harder

Preserving your life

They have the control

Of the food you eat

They break it all down

Into energy and heat

If you eat good foods

As you know your should

Then they will be working

To make you feel good

But if you fall into

A junk-food fad

They'll work just as hard

But you'll surely feel bad

May I introduce you

To each little section

And how each performs

Such a task of perfection

After you meet them

You'll know very well

How God created


Living cell
Living cell | Source

Inside the cell

Inside the human cell
Inside the human cell
Inside the Mitochondria
Inside the Mitochondria

Cytoplasm 'Cy'

I've already stated

That I am round

Inside my walls

A liquid is found

The outside compartment

My largest ring

Is a network of tubes

Holding organic things

Performing together

like actors on stage

A living production

Of protein is made

They razzle and dazzle

With razz'em- ma-tazz'em

The one and the only


Since cytoplazm

Is hard to say

Just call it 'cy'

Now, step right this way.....

Into an office

Which I call 'Mi'

There's several inside

The department of 'Cy'

'Mi' is a storehouse

Of rod-like shape

Saving up energy

We shouldn't waste

So when you are needing

Some extra pep


Will give you help

'Cy' and 'Mi'

They sound like twins

But they're only two

Of my organic friends


Ribosomes 'Ri'

Next, if you noticed

The walls of 'Cy'

Tiny little granules

I call 'Ri'

All in a row

Forming a chain

Waiting for messages

Like a brain

They mix with carbon

Along the road

Which make a protein

When given the code

To feed our bodies

And build our bones

Give a big hand

To the "Ribosomes"

Now you have it

Cy is the home

Of Mitochondria and


Cell Nucleus
Cell Nucleus
Cell Nucleus
Cell Nucleus


Well, that's about it

For the outside ring

Now let's get on to the

Center of things

It's also round

and very small

Surrounded by

A very thin wall

Separated from 'Cy'

Yes, Indeed!

Because of its very own

Specialized needs

It holds the secret

Just like a spy

And dellivers a code

To agent 'Ri'

That has the power

To regulate

To slow you down

Or speed your rate

Now ladies and gentlemen

Without any fuss

I want you to meet

My Nucleus

Living cell poem:

The living cell is in your heart

And all your other body parts

It grows and grows and then it dies

But first the nucleus divides

And two new cells will form and live

And reproduce the life it gives

This miracle is yours and mine

Forever, 'til the end of time


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