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How To Think Like A Scientist To Pass The GED Science Test

Updated on August 6, 2019
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Winnie is an expert test taker and advisor at GED Study Guide in Test Prep Toolkit.

You Might Be A Science Whiz, After All- Just Bring It Out In You!

Be Enthusiastic In Finding The “Why’s” Of Something

What does it take to ace the GED Science test? Many test-takers wonder. The key to this particular undertaking is to think like a scientist. Imagination and creativity are predominant elements that make science projects successful, but don’t forget curiosity because it can garner outstanding outcomes. What fascinates and intrigues you? The answer to this question can be the starting point of an amazing scientific conquest.

Keen observation skills is also a prerequisite in thinking like a scientist. These will help you identify problems that are worth your time solving. But what makes your scientific journey valuable is curiosity because you enthusiastically want to find out the “why’s” of something.

Then again, there are challenges that obstruct the endeavor of “thinking like a scientist”, and one of them is being swayed into disbelief because people rely on anecdotes more. They forgo what has been proven by data, research and statistics over one person’s own experience. Prior misconceptions and beliefs may likewise cloud one’s scientific judgment. At the same time, individuals may be dazzled by superficial scientific props such as formulas, graphs and jargon that they skip seeing scientific opportunities with fresh eyes.

5 Tips To Guide You In Getting A High GED Science Score

You ought to go above and beyond your usual beliefs when taking the GED Science test. That is, you have to apply the above-mentioned characteristics. Basically, you have to know how to think like a scientist to pass the GED Science test. Here are some tips to guide you:

  • Make optimal use of what you are given. Many elements are provided in the GED Science test in order to help you, and you have to learn how to use them. One of them is stimulus such as illustrations, graphs, charts, texts and diagrams. This is where you have to think like a scientist by being meticulously curious. Stimulus found in the GED Science test is a gift that offer you valuable information to find the right answers. Part of your test prep is to know how to read the featured stimulus and derive information from it.

  • Perceive the bigger scenario. In the GED Science test, you are expected to know general concepts about Life Science, Physical Science and Earth and Space Science. What the GED Science test is looking for is for you to possess a basic knowledge of how everything works. Don’t worry about the details, nonetheless, because these are found in the accompanying stimulus. Detailed memorizations are not necessary in the test, but you have to be keen about the underlying scientific concepts behind every question. Basic level of knowledge in the topics covered by the GED Science test can make you achieve a credible score.

  • Don’t focus on memorizing facts, but improve your skills instead. Certain skills apply in obtaining a high GED Science score instead of memorizing details. Don’t be preoccupied in learning direct knowledge during your test prep because GED Science is more concerned about testing your skills. These are particularly discussed below.

  • Think in the same way as a scientist does. Getting your best score in GED Science needs you to think like a scientist. You have to hone your scientific reasoning skills. Obtain a basic understanding about how scientists do the designing, conducting and reporting the findings of their experiments. Do you know how to interpret the information indicated in a diagram, text or chart? Are you good at analyzing data and drawing conclusions? You have to be proficient in analyzing an experiment where you can ascertain the hypothesis and define what the variables are. At the same time, you should be able to decipher the source of probable errors along with assessing the validity of conclusions. Finally, you should be knowledgeable in applying the general principles of Math in scientific scenarios.

  • Carefully read all the indicated information. Focus on reading the stimulus before proceeding to look at the questions. Familiarize yourself with the information found in the stimulus and gain a thorough understanding of it. This method will help you find the correct answers to the test questions. Carefully read the details in the stimulus so that you won’t miss the essentials.

The thought of taking the GED Science test can be daunting. But that is only because you might not have gone through an effective test prep. Consider that you need a basic understanding of scientific principles instead of memorizing the details. Think like a scientist who is an adept in their scientific reasoning skills and you wouldn’t have to worry about your score in the GED Science test.


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