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How Will You Weather the Storm

Updated on May 16, 2017

When in Doubt Don't Ride it Out

What Do You Really Need

When Sandy hit the north east many people were on Face book stating that they bought milk. Milk is no use to you in a hurricane because your electric will go out, then how will you keep it cold. Here is a list of essentials you need in the event of a hurricane.

The most important thing to remember if you are told to evacuate then do it. Do not ride out the storm in your home. If they say leave then leave you will be sorry that you didn't.

  1. WATER – 1 gallon, per person, per day for up to three weeks it doesn't matter if you will use it or not it does not expire.
  2. Toilet paper, paper towels, moist toweletttes
  3. Batteries for any thing such as radio's or battery operated TV's
  4. Flashlights – solar or battery operated
  5. Non-perishable food for you and your pets enough for three weeks.
  6. Can opener, you know the old fashioned kind because the power could be off.
  7. Prescription and over the counter medications enough for a couple weeks
  8. FIRST AID KIT One that includes: a first aid book, Band-Aids, bandages, tape, antiseptic, compresses, aspirin and non-aspirin pain reliever, anti-diarrhea medication and antacid.
  9. A cooler with ice.
  10. Solar charger for cell phones
  11. Full tank of gas in your car
  12. Plastic trash bags
  13. Water purification kit
  14. 2 burner camp stove with fuel or gas grill
  15. TAKE CARE OF YOUR PETS! Make sure your pets’ shots are up to date, you have a current photo of them with you as well as they have a collar with an id tag that includes your cell phone number.
  16. Get CASH! t work if there is no electricity.

17 Store your valuables in waterproof containers, Including theses items and documents:

  • Medical Records
  • Bank Account Numbers
  • Social Security Cards
  • Birth Certificates
  • Marriage Licenses and/or Divorce Papers
  • Legal Custody Papers
  • Insurance Policies
  • A CD backup of computer files
  • A list of household furnishings along with a CD of pictures to substantiate the list
  • Pictures of family members and pets (for identification purposes) and finally,

18. BATTERY POWERED FANS! In South Florida and other warmer states, the weather is warm and the humidity can be high. A fan can help comfort in this time of stress. The items in this list are not in order or priority but every item is indeed of high priority. In case of this kind of emergency, it is best to have the majority of these things on hand in a designated area so you don’t have to panic. Remember, it won’t be only you at the store getting things at the last minute. The more prepared you are the more focused you and your family will be on being safe.

June 1st Marks the Start of Hurricane Season

As the worlds atmosphere changes, its not just southern states that have to worry about the devastation of hurricanes as we very well saw what hurricane Sandy did the north east coast.

Mother nature has decided to move the way she wants too and no one is out of reach. Living in Florida for 15 years and being totally devastated by Wilma who made landfall as a category 5 hurricane, I can tell you the best thing you can do is prepare yourself for the worst scenario.

Should You Stay or Go

Many people do not realize the strength of these storm and the damage they cause. When Wilma hit, we had no electric for three weeks. If the storm is a category 3 to 5 and you are told to evacuate then do it. You see the devastation in New Orleans when Katrina hit. They wanted to stay to ride out the storm. They had a week to leave and yet still they stayed.

Find out where your nearest shelter is and if they will let you bring your pets. They are family also.

These storms are predicted in enough time for you to secure your home and leave. You also want to board up your windows if you do not have hurricane shutters. Most glass windows are not made to withstand 150 mile an hour winds.

Make sure your family has a plan and especially those who live near the ocean. If the storm is going to make landfall in your area and you want to stay to defend your home, then don't complain that no one helped you. They give you plenty of time to leave. Katrina should have taught us all something.

Hurricanes are a horrible storm if they are upgraded from a tropical storm to a hurricane. Don't leave your outside dogs to weather the storm in a dog house. You will come out to find a dead dog.

Ask local officials about your community’s disaster plans.

Ask local officials the following questions about your community’s disaster/emergency plans.

  • What hazards are most likely?
  • How will I get alerts and warnings?
  • What is the advice and plans for sheltering and evacuation for the hazards that may impact the community?
  • Are there emergency contact numbers I should have for different situations?
  • Are there opportunities for preparedness education and training?
  • Does my community have a plan?
  • Can I obtain a copy?
  • What does the plan contain?
  • How often are plans updated?
  • What should I know about this plan?
  • What hazards does it cover? (

In 2006, FEMA launched Ready Kids, a tool to help parents and teachers educate children ages 8 - 12 about emergencies and how they can help get their family prepared. The program includes family-friendly Web pages and online materials developed by Sesame Workshop and Discovery Education.

Peaceful Times When the Eye of The Storm Passes Through

Hurricane Wilma Hit as A Category 5

Do Not Wait Until it is Too Late

Because each state has so many people, do not wait until 30 minutes before the storm is going to make landfall because at that time it is too late.

You won't be able to get emergent help such as ambulances or fire engines nor police to help you at that time. Your town will be shut down and you will not get help until its all over.

Do Not Go Surfing

So many people who surf think its great to surf during the beginning of the hurricane when waves are so nice and high. This could put you in a place you don't want to be such as under the water and drowning. These high waves are nothing to play with.

Stay inside if you decide to ride out the storm. Make sure you have everything you need days ahead of time and watch the news for updates.


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